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Everything posted by Paper_jam

  1. I was living in Victoria at the time and I heard that explosion at Carbide 20+ miles away. It was the middle of the night and I thought it was thunder or a truck tire blowing.
  2. After seeing that line for Luby's, I would've taken my chances at the IHOP in the background. Shit, maybe the Valero has some burritos or something...
  3. those epoxides love to go boom
  4. Doesn't matter if it's offense, defense, or ST--Dallas can''t string together more than two plays without a critical fuckup. Fire fucking everyone.
  5. Chocolate/mississippi mud pie > Pecan > Banana Cream > Apple > Blueberry > Coconut Cream > Cherry > Key Lime > Lemon > Pumpkin
  6. The insane thing about LHOP was you could never be sure if you were going to get a lightweight country story about Pa building a chair or Ma's apple pie winning the fair, or an episode where a woman and a baby go up in flames on camera, or an episode where a clown rapes children complete with POV shots from inside the clown mask. I mean talk about a wide range in tone.
  7. Shit I hope they don't use SH130 to get up to Parmer Ln because that's gonna fuck up my life
  8. I'm not a lawyer (as will immediately become apparent) and I'm also not well-informed about the current criteria that apply when a sentence of death is being considered. However, in the finest American tradition, this will not stop me from proposing my own ridiculous solution to these kinds of cases. When the prosecution is seeking the death penalty, the guilty/not guilty determination should be modified so that the jury either finds the defendant A) Not guilty; B) Guilty, based on the current "beyond reasonable doubt" threshold; or C) Superguilty. "Superguilty", as defined by me, means that the evidence is so clear and incontrovertible that virtually no doubt remains that the accused committed the crime. In the sentencing phase, the death penalty could be applied only for a "Superguilty" conviction. (This is a hypothetical kind of concept and I'm not making any claims about whether Reed is guilty or "superguilty" based on my terminology.)
  9. Brief moment of terror when I thought thread title was referring to Jimmy Dean products.
  10. I haven't followed tire issues that closely, but I hear a lot of complaints from fans about the Pirelli tires in F1. What's the TL:DR version?
  11. For me, it seems like there is a Schrödinger's Cat effect going on with the Texans. As long as I ignore them, they do well -- but as soon as I start to follow them, they shit the bed in spectacular and amusing ways.
  12. Sleet in NE Austin (78754).
  13. Kansas State @ Texas: Don't Forget your Power Towel https://youtu.be/-A-05wPlQQ4
  14. I heartily endorse Shoxthemonkey's post above. I miss the creativity, ingenuity, and variety that used to be a part of racing. Now everything is regulated and handicapped and homogenized to the nth degree. Some of it is economics, some of it is safety, some of it is to keep sponsors onboard, and some is the natural progression of engineering and optimizing a car towards a specific goal. But I still want more 6-wheel F1 cars, turbine cars, and maybe even full-electric someday, all competing in the same field.
  15. COTA obviously must have done geological studies of the soil at the site, so the characteristics of that black clay can't have been a surprise. Was the subsurface soil stabilization and track construction and engineering done properly, or did they skimp on it like SH130 did? Why didn't they pick a site somewhere west of I-35, where there is actually bedrock?
  16. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AngelicThirstyDavidstiger-mobile.mp4
  17. I guess the roads are the scariest place to be today: (From KXAN's website) Multiple crashes along I-35 in between U.S. Highway 183 and Rundberg Lane are causing major traffic congestion on Thursday. According to APD, there is one crash in the 8800 block of I-35 southbound, where all southbound lanes are closed. Austin police and medics are also reporting to a multiple-vehicle collision in the 8700 block of north I-35 northbound, in addition to a secondary multiple-vehicle collision in the southbound lanes. According to APD, there are a total of seven fire trucks and five ambulances on the scene. Drivers are advised to expect delays and seek alternate routes.
  18. Pourin' out a shot of J. Darby for my man Lloyd. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTLkvQJWoAACtyU.jpg
  19. I want Star Trek transporter pads at all major retailers, employers, schools, and government institutions. (Seriously how close is that technology to reality? I mean we already have cell phones that are better than Trek communicators and data pads.) There is the drawback that (IMHO) the transporter kills the original "you" and just creates a clone with your memories at the destination point.
  20. Out of the ten thousand other fucking things wrong, how come our DBs never look back and PLAY THE FUCKING BALL
  21. Bojack Horseman: "Life is a series of closing doors, isn't it."
  22. I haven't tried the new system yet but it seems there is more potential for things to go wrong, with the whole ballot printing and scanning process. I hope these machines are engineered to be hella reliable, and easy to use.
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