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Everything posted by Paper_jam

  1. "Bad with rain" does not compute
  2. I don't know if Paxton has any actual evidence of a crime being committed, but regardless this is a really shitty thing to do. How do you sleep at night, you fucking cockeyed carpetbagger. https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/paxton-moves-to-shut-down-charity-housing-undocumented-migrants/
  3. My HP-20S from my college days still going strong, well after 30 years.
  4. 1985 JVC amplifier/EQ/tuner/turntable rack system, still has original speakers. Been played loudly on a regular basis for almost 40 years. 1987 Zenith Hi-Fi VHS VCR. Still plays tapes, but the tuner is fried so can't make recordings. An old Panasonic cordless landline phone of indeterminate age (at least 15 years). I recently retired a 2005 Panasonic Plasma TV which was still working. I still have a '97 Sony Trinitron CRT television, which works but is basically never used anymore. Moral of the story: electronics made in Japan were good shit.
  5. The line west of Austin seems to be shrinking and tracking more to the north. Guess I should be happy with what I got earlier tonight, but was hoping for an even bigger dump into the lakes.
  6. Everything was better when the vast majority of people only had access to a daily local or regional newspaper, and a half-hour of broadcast network news from NBC, CBS, ABC, or PBS. Cable news, and especially click-driven internet news, has poisoned people's brains.
  7. I don't get the apathy from young voters, especially after everything that's happened since 2016. Cynicism, yes, but not apathy. It's like saying that Mon Mothma broke a promise on my pet issue so I'mma let Vader/Palpatine have it, both sides are the same.
  8. Driving to work this AM made me wish the Central Texas population would decline a whole fuckin' lot. It shouldn't take 45 minutes to go 6 miles. (In 2010, I could do this same drive in 10-12 minutes.) At this rate, in 2038 the same route will take 3 hours.
  9. In NE Austin, my 2024 market value is actually ~1% less than my 2023 value. Most of the homes around me either stayed the same or went up very slightly (a couple of percent). Not too bad.
  10. I'm not that optimistic about the Texas electorate "waking up" anytime soon. The Republicans can shut down their publicly funded jobs and schools, fuck up HEB, take away their Social Security, and more... and those voters will just blame it on immigrants, minorities, liberals, OBAMA, or whatever strawman Trump et al designate as the target.
  11. Example number eleventy billion of Republicans being against using government funds or services to help anyone--except for people and organizations that are connected to them. Even so, this is an alarmingly crass and cruel example of those in power punching down. Despite years of this shit somehow I still continue to be surprised at the depths these shitheels will sink to. They literally have no shame.
  12. I don't know if this is the best place to ask, but I'm looking for a simple and free way to look up historical closing prices for certain stocks as of certain dates. I thought this would be easy but a lot of the charts I'm looking at adjust their historical data to account for stock splits and other events in ways that confuse me. Just for example, based on media reports from the time, I know that in late 2018, one share of GE stock was trading in the $6-8 range. But every stock chart I look at now shows that during that period it was trading at~$35, give or take $5. Why don't the charts match the prices that the stock was actually trading for? And where can I find the correct historical closing prices? Thanks.
  13. Got to see a few intermittent peeks between & through clouds. I wasn't expecting so much light to be coming around the periphery of it. Almost like the moon's disc wasn't quite big enough to fully occlude the sun. (Watching from between Manor and Pflugerville.)
  14. I live within the projected zone of totality, but very near (~3 miles) to the eastern edge. In a situation like that, if I look to the east, will I see terrain in that direction which is still illuminated by the sun, while I'm in (relative) darkness? Will the eastern part of the sky remain lit like a sunrise? With the cloud cover it's probably moot, but I'd like to know what I'm missing.
  15. That's how you end up with a Damien.
  16. Waiting for our intrepid AG to uncover the real truth--those power lines fell down because DEI.
  17. What if ESPN and partner networks decided not to televise games in these states?
  18. It's so beautiful. I'm not crying, I just got something in my eye.
  19. To clear the skies along the centerline of the eclipse we could airburst a chain of high yield nukes at 10,000 feet or whatever, to burn off the cloud cover. Or just call the USAF and get them to use HAARP.
  20. Do these people know that you can see this event just as well from a Waco or Dallas hotel parking lot as you can from Enchanted Rock or Dripping Springs?
  21. This fucking city just wants to make driving anywhere in your own car (and parking, once you get there) completely intolerable. We need infrastructure that completely segregates cars from bikes, not infrastructure that tries to force two fundamentally incompatible modes of transport together.
  22. I love the rain but it'd be nice if my 'hood didn't lose power seemingly every time lightning strikes within a mile of my house. It's like Bluebonnet Electric put up lightning rods that, instead of grounding the strike, feed it directly into critical transformers or switches or something.
  23. I'm a fiftysomething white male so it's ludicrous for me to even be suggesting a course of action to people affected by this shit--but if I was, for example, a promising young athlete of color being recruited to play in major college athletics (hell, even pro athletics) I'd make it a point to say fuck off to any schools or teams in states doing this shit.
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