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Everything posted by Paper_jam

  1. Is there any chance Sharp, Perry, or anyone of note actually suffers consequences from this, like an indictment? 🍿
  2. I had a couple drinks (Forty Creek) before bed, but I still laid awake for a couple hours going over the game in my head. Especially UT's last two red zone possessions and play calls. We had a legendary comeback opportunity within our grasp and let it slip away.
  3. Yeah, it doesn't make sense that the defense is given a massive, disproportionate gift if the fumble goes through the end zone and rolls OOB (rather than any other fumble that goes OOB). The defense should only get possession if they actually recover the fumble in the field of play. At worst, the offense/fumbling team should get the ball back at the 20, instead of fully losing possession.
  4. Seriously? Whatever agreement is "negotiated" with Russia, they will just break it again at the first opportunity.
  5. Why can the Dallas defense only get sacks against QBs that stand in the pocket for 6 seconds like a statue. They need a different (read: effective) scheme for QBs who get the ball out quickly. I don't know what that scheme is but I'm sick of watching guys like Tua clown on Dallas.
  6. The Republican strategy for that is to make sure that, by the time that generation is voting in large numbers, they will have implemented some combination of gerrymandering, voter suppression, court packing, state control over local election districts, etc. to make sure that they still get the outcome they want, whether legitimately or not. Republicans are hostile to the principles of "one person one vote." They have some balls to complain about election security when they are the ones actively working to fuck up the system.
  7. Marshall really went into a tailspin
  8. What's the over/under on this? Marshall tends to sink below minimums.
  9. This is a tangent, but did anyone watch the Titans-Texans game on KEYE-TVs over the air channel? I just wondering if I should dig out my old OTA antenna, because the feed on Youtube TV was horrifically compressed, and I wonder if KEYE is any better directly OTA. Any shot with motion was very blocky, and at medium distance the grass was swimming with details kind of popping in and out. It looks like KEYE multiplexes two 1080i channels and two 480p channels, which can't be good for video quality.
  10. It's fucking dire. I only made it 20 minutes. Is this supposed to be a comedy? If so, it's not funny. And if it's supposed to be action-drama, it sucks at that too.
  11. When I was 13-14 years old, I got a trifold black nylon wallet with velcro closure, "Flying Scotsman" brand. Almost 40 years later I still use it as my primary wallet, despite getting leather wallets as gifts probably 15 times in the intervening years, which I usually regift. Doesn't smell too good though. Can you wash a wallet?
  12. In a just world, or even in the Texas of 15-20 years ago, this would be a scandal that would force those THC commissioners to resign. In the Texas of today, nothing will happen.
  13. I didn't watch, but out of morbid curiosity I'll ask: did any candidate discuss policy approaches for any of the following issues: housing affordability, homelessness, higher education costs, public education, protecting personal privacy rights, healthcare cost/availability, protecting social security & medicare, transportation infrastructure/mass transit, or climate change?
  14. Surly posters, can we throw enough money together for a plane ticket for uncle?
  15. Look on the bright side. This action by the very-concerned-about-consumers AG's office surely means we will soon see similar actions against the shitton of misrepresentations and fraud committed by other industries in Texas. Like, say, car dealerships; oil, gas & chemical; energy conglomerates, and so on, I mean it's the AG's office, that's a respected state institution. It's not like they're just going to selectively target prosecutions to score cheap political points. That would be something that happens in a banana republic.
  16. It can happen. I remember flying out of ABIA early one morning just before Christmas (about 20 years ago) and there were tornado warnings and torrential rain. We went into the bathrooms to get away from the terminal windows.
  17. Is there even a comics section in the Daily Texan anymore? For that matter, is there still a Daily Texan? Robert Rodriguez had a pretty good strip (Los Hooligans) in the early '90s.
  18. I'm sure** the actual contract language is more specific, but from that summary, from the structure of those bonuses it's not explicitly clear that he only gets the highest applicable bonus. (For example, I'm assuming A&M intended that if he wins the CFP, he gets the 3.5 M bonus, but not all the preceding lesser bonuses too.) ** well, it is aggy so I'm not actually sure
  19. Deep State Activation Alert: Initiate psyop module Fisher2, codeword "Elkhunter"
  20. https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/texas-gov-greg-abbott-delivers-meals-to-homebound-austinites-thanksgiving-morning/ Conservative politicos love to be seen serving meals in a soup kitchen for a few hours a year, or doing other charity photo-ops, while simultaneously advancing policies that don't support (or actively harm) the vast majority of people in poverty or people at economic risk. I guess they either see no hypocrisy in that, or they don't care about the hypocrisy. Or they have some twisted justification that it's somehow bad or wrong when assistance comes from the government but it's OK if the assistance is coming from the religious establishment. If I was ever in a role of authority in a nonprofit or church institution and one of these tools wanted to do a self-aggrandizing photo op I'd tell them to go pound sand.
  21. 128 possible outcomes?! If only we had available to us some type of calculating machine, capable of rapid computations and the application of rigorous logic, that could solve for these outcomes and lay forth a definitive and complete analysis of this seemingly impenetrable mystery.
  22. Neighborhood book clubs have a lot more drama than I thought
  23. Oh, please may I be the first driver to go over one of the reworked holes full of quickpatch at 200 MPH? That sounds super safe.
  24. Sark has a Commodore 64 in Belmont running simulations of every possible scenario in a continuous updating loop. They got this. (The same computer is used to compute game day halftime adjustments.)
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