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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UTEX90

  1. On 2/18/2019 at 2:27 AM, slorch said:

    I don't count calories.  Just carbs.  But I'm not trying to pig out either...


    Finishing up first week on the diet( for the 3rd year in a row. Already committed to keeping it off going forward.) The first week is always the toughest for me, especially getting my gut/ bowels regulated. Had a regular movement on Monday and then not again until Friday.  Yesterday morning, I'm feeling gassy and bloated, which is strange because keto generally makes me far less gassy.  Then i practically gave birth... hopefully I'm getting out of these gigantic swings on that front.

    Avocados are on sale everywhere here, so the big ones are $.77 at HEB.  That's where most of my carbs for the day come from, along with some spinach.

    I am not weighing until about May 1 or so.  One thing i hated about the weight loss contests the past 2 years was the constant weighing and checking progress. I'll just wait for the clothes the start fitting better...along with folks asking if I've lost weight, " hey you're not a fatass like you were..."   "yeah, thanks for noticing...I think."

    I started Keto on February 8th after I couldn't fit into a vest I have worn for years.   I hung the vest by my door like a shrine to keep me on task.  Got on the scale and I was 200lbs on the dot, the most I have ever weighed before.  I am 50 years old and I feel better than I have in a long time.    In addition to Keto I have worked out with a variety of methods for at least 5 days a week for an hour.  I don't do fat bombs and am regularly over my allotment in protein and low on fat but this is working for me.  I get most of my fat from avocados.

    I eat all the time and until I am full and repeat.  My wife (also 50) who started Keto with me is much more moderate in portions but has had great results as well.

    I had the same issues with movements for about 3 weeks where I would go a couple of days with nothing.  Now I am completely regular.  Wife had the opposite result going several times a day the first two weeks.

    I am more concerned with my body shape than I am with weight.  I get on the scales less than once a week.  I am down to 184lbs as of this morning but the biggest difference is I lost over 9 inches around my stomach as of March 3rd and I may be stronger than I have been in my life.  I will measure again the first week of April.

    My cheat is wine but I drink a lot less than I used to.

    Keep it up and good luck. 

    By the way, I was getting in a slight rut eating the same things over and over.   All things I liked but still.   The book "Simply Keto" was recommended to me and it is a game changer.  I highly recommend it.

    • Like 6
  2. 15 hours ago, dcar00 said:

    I wonder if Peter can play first?

    He probably could but he has been a catcher as far back as I can remember.  My son played select ball with him from about the age of 9.  Great kid.  Great family.


  3. 16 minutes ago, Spider2YBanana said:

    Wrong. Jimbo passed because he found someone SEC better. An unknown gem. The second coming of Mike Evans and Calvin Johnson combined. 

    "West coast kids, for the most part, seem soft... USC has recruited very well the last few years and they suck. t.u. going west for players is a perfect transition for when they go to the pac12... " - OrganicAg Gigem247

    Nailed it.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Butch Had Not said:

    Who cares how bru is considered besides aggy? Doesn't matter to us,  we have an elite player and that doesn't change based on his designation.

    Never change aggy.

    I kind of care.  I bet an aggie at Thanksgiving that by NSD2 that we would be ranked higher nationally with the 2019 class.  Almost got laughed out of the room.

    But other than that, I agree with you.

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    • Haha 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, GlenFromTheMailRoom said:

    Had an early flight this morning and ran into Orlando at security at abia.  Felt like he was trying to keep a low profile, but dude sticks out like a sore thumb.  Strangely enough didn’t have anything with him.  Was around 440am.  Didn’t say anything to him but through flashed the horns to him and he returned it.  

    Put your tinfoil hats on before you look up flight schedules and take it for what you will.

    ... flees this shithole to check Hot or Not?  Pos or Neg coming.

  6. 1 hour ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    catching up on this thread.

    isn't this what burglar has been doing forever?  70% of the best cheating burglar teams were defectors from the state of Texas.

    The defecting out of state will always be a thing.  What is new is going out and recruiting players and bringing in transfer mercenaries to play over them.   A stud QB would really have to think about their opportunity to play for a coach that keeps taking the grad transfer who rolls in for one year and takes your opportunity to play.  I don't even know what you tell them if you are Riley.

  7. 30 minutes ago, AM Wood said:

    cranking the air conditioner unit up to make it run does work. you are getting that confused with the thermostat. if you turn THAT up then you are stupid.

    This man gets it.  Turn the AC up to make it cooler (In order to do that you have turn the thermostat down).  Turn the heater up to make it warmer (In order to do that you have to turn the Thermostat up).  I feel like I'm debating my wife.  Just turn off the lights!

  8. On 1/8/2019 at 9:57 PM, Trey3216 said:

    We were unhealthily drunk on a Sunday afternoon one time and I bought the domain names for hobotheater and hobotheatre .com/.org/.net      The thought process was, we were going to go around big cities with scripts from Shakespeare, big broadway productions and the like, and pay homeless people $25 or so to perform the parts which we would document on video, then use it to help raise awareness for homelessness.  Kind of wish we would’ve done it.   /Wrong thread.  CSB

    I so want to neg you for not following through with this.

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