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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UTEX90

  1. 29 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    QB who leaves after being usurped as the starter goes to school where he would also not start. Makes sense.

    I think this is what severely limits his options.  So much so, that it would not surprise me if he stays at Alabama when all is said and done.  OU, UH, TCU, WV I guess are options.  I also think that bringing in a one year player may cause clubhouse issues among current players.  QBs who are waiting in the wings for their shot are not going to appreciate a one year hired gun.

    I am sure when Kyler went to OU the thought that he would only be there one year was hardly considered.  I would be surprised if OU took Hurts but it would not concern me if they did.

  2. 11 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    Could you?  You have a collection of rats asses to give?

    I could.  Not a collection necessarily but said rat's ass could be acquired in short order.  Unlike some other posters, I am a self proclaimed above average rat exterminator using a variety of methods.  The preferred being a pellet gun hunting over a bird feeder with a beer in hand.  

    • Haha 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    He'll wind up at OU because of course he will.

    1.  If it happened I could give a rats ass.

    2.  At some point being know as a school/coach who gets mercenary QBs/Players is going to end up biting you in the ass.  Either in recruiting or continuity of the players.

  4. 3 hours ago, VolenteHawk said:

    I'm counting on that thinking driving some money line value on Bama.  Currently my local guy has -5.5 -115 but Bama at -205...for slightly more than a dime worth of value on what the true price should be for that ML.

    You see this in the Super Bowl pretty often, where the public money is either favorite to cover or dog for plus money and the price on the favorite ML trickles down cheaper than it should be in response.  If I can lay less than -200, I'll play it fairly big.


    They are -195 ML for the half.  Other than Georgia the half's have not even been close.

  5. 31 minutes ago, irishtexan said:

    We should also just get Justin Fields to transfer and if we don't it's clearly an indication that there are systemic and crippling inefficiencies with this coaching staff, the program, and the entire State of Texas.


    Is that how you do it, satanyash? 

    It's reported he is transferring.  But where?  I assume all SEC teams would be out.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Wishbone said:

    Just remember, with this staff it’ts hard to tell for sure what’s going on. 

    This is what I keep telling myself.  I trust them.  Then I don't.   I guess we will just see.  But that doesn't keep me from coming here everyday to fret over it.

  7. 6 hours ago, Goofyboy said:

    President Bush gave the commencement speech at UT in 1990.
    “Whatever you do, live a life of adventure and meaning so brilliant that, like a Roman candle it lights up the world. Dazzle us. Astonish us. Be extraordinary.”

    - PRESIDENT Bush

    We could claim him too, right?

    This was my commencement speech.  275-bush.png

    “Let me say it loud and clear,” Bush said. “The first Texans, in a sense, were wrong. This is not just a first-class university. You are graduates of a world-class university.”


    • Like 7
  8. 2 hours ago, CozManTx said:

    I watched part of a NFL game the other day for the first time in probably 10 years. How does anyone watch this "sport"? It's barely FOOTBALL - it's some sort of amped up WWE event, complete with choreographed touchdown dances, the players dance and jive after virtually EVERY play, scores are 17-10, and it's a complete snoozefest.

    No.  That's the NBA.

  9. 7 hours ago, crimsonlonghorn said:

    Mrs CL has horrible technology habits. She would say it's impatience and an unhelpful husband. I say it's because she's too lazy and has no discipline. 

    I keep a charging cable on my side of the bed and plug in my phone every night when I go to bed and with very few exceptions my phone never runs out of juice during the day. Occasionally the cable wears out and has to be replaced, but I never move the cable next to my bed. I also keep a separate charger in my backpack that is just for traveling and it stays in my backpack unless I am traveling. If I need a charger or a cable for somewhere else, I'll grab one of the extra ones in my desk drawer, but the "permanent" ones never move. So I'm never looking for them and my shit stays charged. 

    I have explained the benefits of this system to Mrs CL and have purchased her multiple charges and cables to keep on her nightstand, but she refuses to be diligent about plugging in at night, so her phone is constantly running out of juice during the day. So naturally, she walks off with the charger from her bedside and leaves it somewhere and then complains when she can't find a charger. 

    In related news, she changed the password on her phone over the weekend and forgot what the new password was. She took it to the Apple Store and they said, "No problem, we can just wipe it and restore it. When was your latest backup?"

    Guess whose fault it is that she has never backed up that damn phone?

    All I got out of all of this is that your wife is trying to hide shit from you by changing the password on her phone, probably never wanted to give you access to back it up, and the divorce is going to be all of your fault because you were not supportive in the marriage. 

    I need a new career.

  10. 12 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:

    I would not mind seeing OU beat Bama and then lose to Clemson. Us beating Georgia. It would make Aggy insane lmao. That is why I might root for OU just to see them try and spin it. But I hate both of those teams but definitely OU more since we have history obviously. 


    I think I have been driven to this mindset for this year.  I have never wanted OU to win a football game but as long as they lose to Clemson I'm good with it.

    • Like 2
  11. 8 minutes ago, Fud said:

     To make this recruiting thread worthy, this type of splash hire would hurt us with Bru, imo tbh no shit 

    They almost have to make a splash hire.  Not only for Bru but for future recruiting.  I'm not one to think we don't have a chance with Bru but I do think USC will hire someone they feel will get future recruits excited.  If Bru is looking for an excuse to go to USC I don't see them screwing it up and not giving him one.

  12. Ok so painting went way better than expected despite substantial frustration on my part.   Again, I am a perfectionist and she is fuck it we will figure it out and fix whats wrong when its all over.  Not exactly a good home repair match made in heaven.  Nevertheless kitchen looks great.

    I really thought this would be train wreck from the start.  She got 5 or 6 samples from Lowe's and proceeded to slap some on every wall in the kitchen so that there was no way this project wasn't moving forward.  The focal point of the kitchen is a wall that had some grease spots on it that prompted this project in the first place.  After just beginning to paint that wall it starts to peal and bubble.  Professional painter was called 30 min into project.  He is a friend of mine so at no charge he came and saved her ass by floating the wall and giving instruction on future bubbling.  Anyway kitchen looks fantastic much to my surprise.  We were basking in the glow of our accomplishment sipping wine on the couch watching a movie in satisfaction and exhaustion and then this beautiful conversation occurs.

    Mrs. UTEX90:  I don't like the rug in the kitchen. 

    Me.  The one you just bought Friday and sent me to pick up?

    Mrs. UTEX90:  Yes but it was second hand and only $80.00.  How do you like this one?  [Showing a pic on her phone]

    Me.  What are you going to do with the one we just bought? 

    Mrs. UTEX90:  Probably give it to Goodwill.

    I'm starting to simmer.  At the same time, Little Miss UTEX90 is sitting down to soup at the kitchen table. We just bough the table that morning (Sunday) from a guy who refinished it.  Neither of us loved the table but we will throw a table cloth on it and make due until we can agree on one.  We have been looking for 6 months and I am being picky.

    Me to Little Miss UTEX90: "Use a place mat at the table for your soup and drink.

    Mrs. UTEX90:  What does it matter the table is a piece of shit?

    Me.  Why the fuck did we buy the damn thing then?

    Mrs. UTEX90.  We needed a table for Thanksgiving.

    Me.  Well maybe we can sell it after Thanksgiving to someone else, there is no point in ruining it.

    Mrs. UTEX90.  I would be embarrassed to sell that table for $20.00.

    Me.  YOU JUST PAID ALMOST $200.00 FOR IT THIS MORNING.  Put the rug on your resale site for $80.00.  After Thanksgiving put the table on the resale site.  Don't fuck it up worse in the meantime.


    Between last night and this morning the rug is already sold for what we paid for the damn thing.  Anyone want a poorly refinished round kitchen table?  Couch is not for sale for obvious reasons.


    • Like 2
  13. 5 minutes ago, ousux said:

    Also, is it wrong that the thought of Herman sniffing blow off a strippers tits with Michelle present makes me actually like him now? Not that I believe a word of that drivel, but still..emoji23.png

    Wrong?  I think we would all knight him.  Or make him King.   This shit makes me want Tyrian Lannister's ass to be the last seated on the iron throne.

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