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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UTEX90

  1. 31 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    This is where I'm at. Every year looks like they're only going to win 4 games, but then they end up with 8. Now, that could be Rumlin's air raid spread just plain outscoring other teams depsite their dumpster defense. We will see this year I guess. 

    They have 3 easy wins. Northwestern State, ULALA, UAB. I know people like to think what if, but they're not losing those games. 

    Kentucky, Ole Miss, Arkansas - These are games people think they have a chance of losing because [insert elaborate reason], but it ain't happening. They have too much talent. Don't get me wrong, while they have dogshit talent compared to more notable teams, their guys are still better than the nobodies these 3 teams recruit. 

    6 wins

    Can they beat Miss State? LSU? South Carolina?

    That will be the question. 

    Trust me, I'm all for the wheels falling off and them losing to NW State and everyone else above, but peolpe have been saying that for years, but it never comes to fruition. 



    This is the way I see it as well.  And if they lose one of the Kentucky, Ole Miss or Arky, they will probably win one of the Miss St., LSU or SC.  6 seems like the best guess number.  I don't see 8 in any way shape or form. 

  2. I waffle on whether to be upset with our lack of recruits (or the missing out on certain recruits, Leal, Wilson, etc.) and having an "all is well" attitude.  Realistically, I know that this class isn't done and what happens to finish out this class is going to define it.  I do like the base and I like where we are being able to take 10-12 more commits.

    I just hope the season matters to some of these guys and that if we kick some ass on the field some minds are going to change.  I don't think I can go through another disappointing season regardless of how it affects recruiting so I won't even go there.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    Only local homers will sift through the details to find something to put a shine on their turd of a season.

    For the world outside of the Aggie bubble, the facts are simple. A&M paid $75m for a National Championship Coach coming off an awful season at a football power; how's that working out for you? Some may recall A&M's odd crowing about how much they spent as though it makes them look good.

    Should the Aggies suck, the story will be that the Aggies were foolish to take a gamble with so much money, and Jimbo may be washed up. With each loss, their SEC brothers will laugh at them. I expect scorn and ridicule if the losses pile up.

    Nail meet head.  At $75m time is more limited.  Jimbo realistically has 4 years to a 9 win season and 5 to a 10 win season.    But to watch the dashed expectations over the next few years from the homers is going to be glorious.

  4. 1 hour ago, ousux said:

    A harder sell? Jimbos biggest success was nearly 7 years ago, while Herman was a big part of a more recent national championship, beat Jimbo head to head with lesser talent, and even had a better record last year than Jimbos FSU team filled with back to back to back highly rated recruiting classes. Jimbo's FSU team limped into a bowl game they shouldn't have played in, aggy lost to a mid-pack ACC basketball school while we beat the team with the top offense in the SEC to end the season.


    I'll concede aggy will have a better recruiting class than us this year because of the new coach bump, but if it continues...Houston, we have a problem.


    I don't disagree with any of that.  But look how far you had to go to get there.   Kids need to be excited to come here.  Until Herman proves he can get close to the win totals he was having at UH getting top level recruits is going to be hard.  I hate playing the "if" card but IF we had won even two more games last year I think Herman and staff would find it a hell of a lot easier to get the kids to buy what they are selling and where they are going.  As it stands he is asking the kids to buy on faith.  I don't think Jimbo is going to be successful at aTm, even with a solid recruiting class this year.  Right now kids are buying Jimbo's shtick on faith.  But I also don't think walking into a kids living room and explaining to a kid why Jimbo will likely not be successful in the SEC when you yourself have not been successful at Texas gets you anywhere.  Right now Texas is the harder sell.  When Jimbo's 6-6 or 7-5 over the next 3 years his bullshit will start getting old.   We need to show huge improvement this year or we will be gnashing our teeth again next year.

    Hell, if we really show improvement this year we may be able to flip some of these guys but we better show a big improvement.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Jack Wilson said:

    It may be just this simple: Herman had a staff at cougar high that recruited pretty well. He assumed they'd recruit pretty well here so he brought a lot of them with him. The difference is, Texas is the big-boy league and the competition is waaaay ramped up. "Pretty well" at Houston is just not cutting it here. The good news is, Herman isn't Strong-level dumb--he'll make needed changes next off-season. For one, he more or less promised his guys 2 years and they've had two years. Two, CDC will prod him to cut the deadwood and will make the resources available to go out and get better production. 

    All that said, I guess it's possible we make a late-cycle push and flip a few high-star guys in areas of need. Then there's less pressure to fire the non-producers. After it all shakes out, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. 

    I just think we are a harder sell right now.  Even at Houston Herman had a winning football team.  I don't think anyone can gauge just how badly losing to Maryland, Tech and even Kansas the year before hurt this program.  ou is winning the conference and in the top 4.  aggies get a new snake oil salesman.  Fisher has kids buying in, but that is easier to do when you aren't defending your failures in the kids living room.  I still think kids want to come to Texas but we are a hard sell in the current environment.   If we can beat some top teams and not stumble against mediocre competition I think we will see recruiting turn in our favor.

    The kids know our record the last several years.  I am sure it is pointed out repeatedly by our competition.  They have seen what this team has done.  Herman is going to have to show significant improvement before we earn the trust of these kids.

    Jimbo is going to face the same thing after they go 6-6 or 7-5 the next two years.  The bloom will be off the rose by the end of 2020.  

    With recruiting success breads success.

    • Like 3
  6. I think OU's success in recruiting right now is a reflection of recent winning.    The ags are going to get recruits until they lose in year 3 of Jimbo's reign.  He will get a pass the first two years because of their schedules but if he doesn't win in year 3 the recruits are going to not buy the bullshit he is selling this year and will be selling next year.  That is not to say we should sit idly by and not fight for recruits like Leal.   Also keep in mind we have at least 10 -12 more spots to fill.  Let's see who we get and who the ags and OU keep come signing day.  I'm not convinced things are a bleak as some.

    • Like 1
  7. ^^ Chills. I was first row upper deck right between the goal posts in that end zone. \m/

    I was there too. About 12 of us. Guys only. The walk to the hotel room (no way to get a ride) was horrible. Saw several fights after the game but they were all osu v osu.
  8. Imagine my pain..  it takes me nearly an hour just to type that out.
    Woulda been a 5th gen UT grad.. top 25 in his class, 32 ACT & wasnt accepted (out of state HS didn’t help).
    He’s still a Longhorn fan.

    I feel your pain. I have it even worse. Mine is going to Aggie in two weeks. Thanks UT admissions.
  9. 9 minutes ago, UncleBuck said:

    This is something that Herman and his staff have had to acknowledge with these kids, because they know it's what they're being told by the other schools. It's something I and many of you have accepted also. It holds its truths, but it's a different regime. That's not a reflection of Herman and his staff, but at the same time, they really have no sample-size in comparison, so you understand a kid wanting to go somewhere where the sample size is big and shows favorable.


    What Herman and Co have to do is sell these kids on THEMSELVES being the reason they'll be successful, not Urban.. Saban.. David Shaw....(okay maybe David Shaw can get them a little more pro-ready), not Herman himself.  IF they're really that damn good, they'll find their way to success, and "achieve what you think they could" just playing within the system the coaches run.



    This.  I don't think he is a bitch for saying it.  I think most kids say something like, "I just connected better with X team" or "X team felt like family.  This kid is worried about his future.  He clearly could have not said anything at all.  I wish he had not said anything negative about Texas if he was going to go somewhere else but I can't blame him for saying what he said.   The way to correct all of this is for us to win and put players in the NFL.

    I'm sure it has been discussed in this 319 page thread but exactly how many spots do we have to offer?

  10. 3 hours ago, Braff Zacklin said:

    Haven't seen anyone mention poppers. They work well for me and are my favorite--along with clousers--for catching bass on the fly. Regular or foam bodies, with or without rubber legs, etc.--they all seem to get results and are fun to fish.

    Largemouth don't get very big here, though.

    This was kind of the reason for my original post.  I am trying to catch some large bass.  I have had most of my success on small poppers.  I am trying to find something bigger I can throw trying to catch 3-5 pounders.  I did catch a large blue/cat on a clouser minnow one morning.   Watched him take it and wondered if I would regret it but i landed him.    I avoided the next one.  I figured once was enough.

    I don't know how well I can cast it but any recommendations on larger top waters.  I seem to have the best results with poppers as well.  Just catching small bass and pan fish mostly.

    I did order some of Shultz Swingin' D flies Masshole recommended above.  Looks like something I would like to fish.

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