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About Steamboat1874

  • Birthday 02/06/1955

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  1. I just thought there was an extraordinary amount of paper plates in that explosion.
  2. Bacon looks a little undercooked.
  3. These girls from UT in 1944 look like a lot more fun.
  4. Or park your basket on one side of said aisle whilst shopping on the other side taking up the entire fucking thing !
  5. That is a great movie and you are correct about it holding up. Poitier and Steiger were spectacular in it.
  6. Fuck the RT haters.. You might be an idiot.
  7. Who makes Creamy Creations? Probably a Blue Bell product.
  8. I love his SEC Roll Call rant videos though….
  9. Would not be surprised at all if he made an NFL roster as a a backup or taxi squad player. Best of luck to him.
  10. Ignore it…..they are mostly butthurt Texan fans.
  11. How many of you bitching about the refs in this game are Texan fans?
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