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Everything posted by Steamboat1874

  1. “But Quinn overthrew a few deep balls.” Surly dumbasses.
  2. Very strange seeing USC and UCLA playing this late. Pretty sure in my 65 years of watching CFB I have never seen them play at night.
  3. You may be the dumbest poster in the history of Surly and that is really something.
  4. Do you realize how fucking stupid you haters sound?
  5. Fuck Quinn haters. You are all fucking morons and don’t seem to know much about football.
  6. Between our game and this one plus the GT college game and the NFL snow game it was a pretty good Thursday night of sports.
  7. GT unis are nice.
  8. So the ref three feet away does not call it out of bounds but the ref fifty feet away at the scorers table saw him step on the baseline. unreal
  9. Some of the reverse sear photos here look as though the steak is cold in the middle. I am all about rare to medium rare but not cold rare in the center.
  10. And that’s why you are a mascot.
  11. This. Reverse sear is overrated. Give me a good tenderloin in my blazing hot grill pan cooked a few minutes on each side and finished in the oven.
  12. And this year with Thanksgiving being the latest it can be, Christmas will get here quickly. Less than four weeks later.
  13. Hampton Inn ? Was he trying to get to a Perkins down the hill too?
  14. What about the band Head East ?
  15. Pretty much what it felt like too. We used to play a lot of pick up football games there at night back then.
  16. Back in the 60’s and 70’s both Tennessee and UCLA wore their orange and blue jerseys home and away. Because of the lightness of their colors you could easily distinguish between them and their opponents on black and white television. When UCLA played here in 1970 they wore their blue jerseys and the color on the field that bright sunny day was spectacular.
  17. This looks incredible. Many of you guys that are younger will never understand the affect they had, not only in America, but the entire world and oh by the way…..the music was pretty damn good too.
  18. This There may be more stupid in this thread than all of the other stupid threads in Surly history.
  19. Pretty sure Dallas will not even score a TD but I hope I am wrong.
  20. Now we are talking….. BYU and KU tied at 10 early third quarter. WSU and New Mexico tied at 28 to start the fourth. Tasty late Saturday night.
  21. Doesn’t putting your foot down make it easier for your toes to be stepped on ?
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