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Everything posted by Steamboat1874

  1. Thank goodness there is no black anywhere... Are you listening UT Women in every sport who think our colors are black, orange and white.
  2. Go back to the 5 Star list from 4 years ago and see how many players you have heard of now.
  3. Hopefully the ribbon board will not create a blinding glare on the floor like it did at the FEC. Court is perfect though. Nice job.
  4. This is the reason I quit paying any attention to recruiting. It is all bullshit. I guarantee you that as close to as many 3 stars make the NFL as do 5 stars.
  5. Just means we need to win today and tomorrow. If you really thought we were going to sweep you have a lot to learn about college baseball.
  6. You will find your life is much better when you give up sports talk radio and listen to music. I used to listen to everything but then I realized I don't give a shit when "Dave" calls in to ask "Who do you think the back up QB for the Bills will be this year".
  7. My mom was born in Evant so this hits close to home.
  8. Ha just noticed that typo. I am working too hard.
  9. This gut deserves a mention here....
  10. This is what I am talking about.....it was noon to six.
  11. His fastball ws legendary however it was his curveball that got him all of those no-no's.
  12. That Die Hard movie was on a couple of nights ago and it was on some movie channel that censors words. Hilarious when "you're a racist mother fucker" became "you're a racist melon farmer".
  13. At this point we will be lucky to be in a regional.
  14. I thought that fucker was already dead.
  15. Shit here is the winner right here....
  16. That basketball court better not be black like that.
  17. Their early albums were recorded on a two track recorder which means they were basically live. Twist and Shout was recorded in one take at the end of a long recording session in which John could barely even speak. Turns out to be one of the greatest rock and roll vocal recordings inhistory.
  18. Sorry F1 fans.....this is what racing is all about. Your sport is not racing but more of a parade which is boring as fuck.
  19. Jordan in any jacket flashing the Hook'em sign ........ priceless.
  20. I am old so I will go with the Skipper's dad......Alan Hale Sr.
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