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Posts posted by Steamboat1874

  1. I just watched the Golf Channel opening on delay and man oh man that statement by his family brought me to tears.

    I will just say if you are having issues and need some one to talk to please seek help.

    There are plenty of options out there.

    Hell, message me and I will try and help in anyway I can.

    One of the things I remember my mom telling me was…

    ”Remember……suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem…”

    • Hook 'Em 7
    • Like 2
  2. On 5/19/2024 at 11:55 AM, YGIFS said:

    I don't know how in the hell he got in pre-internet, but in the 1980's...musta been some VHS tape with hyped up audio.  But my father showed me a similar clip of Earl Weaver going crazy on an umpire.  I didn't even realize the colorfulness of the vulgarity at the time.  I mean, I had seen Jim Frey get kicked out a couple of times in person at Wrigley or on WGN, but Weaver was in a class all of his own.  

    And it's funny, this clip reminds of me of the one time I got to tour the dugout at Wrigley.  And I wondered why baseball was the one sport where the manager/coaches wear the same uniform as the players.  I had seen Ditka in a sweater, but too hot for summer.  I had seen Collins in a suit for the Bulls.  And wondered why coaches in baseball wear the uniform.  And I'm looking at short Weaver there with the fake stirrups on his socks.  And I remember going through the dugout and it was just absolutely disgusting.  Dip, chewed gum, spit, sweat, blood, probably some piss.  Nothing you'd want on a suit or a sweater.  

    Anyway, Earl was one of a kind.  We post frequently of bygone eras and snowflakes and triggers.  But Earl crossed many epochs and meridians.  He was a throwback to a previous iteration of the game but could see ahead to where it was going.  We won't see any more like him anytime soon.

    Added kicker-watch Eddie Murray's facial expression during clips like these.  He wants to restrain Earl.  He wants to bust out laughing.  He wants to join Earl in the tirade.  He wants to resume playing.  He wants to defend his team.  All at the same time.  It's Emmy-level shit  

    Great post

  3. Stenhouse did absolutely nothing to cause an issue.

    Kyle brushed or got very close to the wall and came down into Ricky,


    Then Kyle spun him out deliberately after that.

    if anyone gets penalized it should be Kyle.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. On 3/18/2024 at 12:05 PM, Mrs Whiggins said:

    10/10 the truck driver is the type to bitch about lazy people and/or people who don't follow the rules because of course the rules don't apply to said driver.

    On a good karma note, we were walking out of a crowded Austin restaurant on Lamar recently and there were some grandparents pulled up with the grandkids piling out of the car with the agitated grandmother who was trying to figure out where equally agitated grandpa was going to park with no spaces available. So we strolled up, 'excuse me, but if you can wait one sec we're backing out right there' (point to our car) which was ten yards away. Probably saved that guys life, he looked like he was going to have a heart attack if he had to find a place to park over the lunch hour on a weekday.

    How was Chili’s?

    • Haha 1
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