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Posts posted by Steamboat1874

  1. 6 hours ago, DalTxHornFan said:

    They don't do fried chicken livers, though.  Bush's on Williams Drive is where I go to have that guilty pleasure.  With cream gravy, of course!

    I don’t do chicken livers but Bush’s fried chicken is also great.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. Went to the RR AMP yesterday for this line up…..

    The Derailers

    Patrice Pike

    Monte Montgomery 

    Kelly Willis

    Del Castillo

    Bob Schneider

    Great venue.

    Other than a light shower around 5 the weather was perfect.

    Everyone was great and Del Castillo blew the doors off of that place.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Hookem2147 said:

    If we had wins against A&M Corpus and UTRGV, the outlook would look pretty different. Just those two games alone.

    It's what makes this season all the more frustrating. We see flashes and oftentimes it is after we backed ourselves into a corner.

    True, but at least they seem to respond well.


  4. A lot of people have written this team off and I do not blame them…..however…….they have won 6 out of 7 Big XII series so far and that is impressive no matter how ugly it has been.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    Texas wants it called since we are leading thru 7 innings. Horns win.

    OU wants to keep playing since they are behind after 7 innings…do not want to lose the game/series.

    No shit ?

    I would have never thought of this.

  6. 18 minutes ago, EZ$ said:

    Half of Surly would’ve put up more bench reps than him.  We all thought he’d be a workout warrior and he was completely the opposite.  Embarrassing actually.  

    You don’t know much about Surly posters do you ?

    My guess is that half of us could not even press the bar without the weights and the other half would just be at the bar.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 6
  7. On 4/23/2024 at 4:28 PM, jimmyjazz said:

    Well, 4 Roma tomatoes, a half an onion and a jalapeno roasted in the oven and blended with a little salt will kick that shit's ass for about $2, so . . . why?

    Good point

    Started making own recently and it has turned out really well.






    Cumin, salt and pepper

    And anything else 



  8. 52 minutes ago, PittsburghTiger said:

    Watching these fans pretend to be excited about players they have never before heard of being picked by their teams is kind of funny.




  9. On 4/6/2024 at 9:44 AM, immamac said:

    Anything really, although if you are domestic don’t use it to watch YouTube and Netflix as that is an unnecessary suck on the bandwidth. If you need it traveling abroad then it’s fine. But if we have a few hundred people trying to stream Netflix on it at the same time for 2 hours it’ll be hard to cover the network cost for so cheap. I have access to an unmetered 10gbps connection I’d put this on for fairly reasonable in a few US locations. 

    What if you are just traveling with a broad ?

  10. On 3/8/2024 at 5:37 PM, PantsTent said:

    Then finish WT101 bottle and open another.

    I suggest you add a small layer of chili and chopped onion on that bottom layer of cheese as well.

  11. 11 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

    I'd be happy to discuss with you any cases where a person wrongly convicted of rape was subsequently wrongfully executed.  Stanning for rapists.   I'd love to claim to be surprised, but this literally is your brand. 

    I thought Greg Abbott was going to get all of the rapists off of the street.

  12. 22 hours ago, crash_davis said:

    We are due for a train robbery. Can't let San Antonio own the last robbery.



    An iconic San Antonio attraction has a darkly quirky event attached to it for all times. It happened in Brackenridge Park, on that little train that 300,000 people, primarily parents and children, ride yearly.

    Tim Morrow is President and CEO of the San Antonio Zoo, which operates the train.

    "It's a historic miniature train that's been in Brackenridge Park since the 1950s," he said. "It's just a fun experience to be on the train, to hear the train horn going as you go through the park.”   

    The train wends its way under the tree canopy of Brackenridge, over creeks and the rolling grassy hills of the Brackenridge Golf Course. One Saturday in July of 1970 though, the experience that families relish turned downright weird.  

    "Fifty years ago, next weekend, two robbers stopped the train and began to rob the passengers of their goods — their checkbooks, their jewelry and their money," he said.

    Passengers first laughed, thinking it was an Old West re-enactment gag. But when one of the robbers put a gun to the head of a passenger, they figured out it wasn't a joke.

    "It was the first time a train robbery had happened in Texas in 47 years, so it had some historical significance to it," Morrow said.

    The robbers were soon apprehended and turned out to be Army soldiers stationed at Ft. Sam Houston.

    "It was a federal crime to rob a train, so those two gentlemen did their time," he said.

    That is fucking awesome.

    I had never heard that story before.

  13. 13 hours ago, pops said:

    Snowed today. Kid has been asking for a bread bowl for a while so fuck it. Tomato soup with jalapeño cheese toast and some bacon because why not. 




    Outfucking standing !

    • Hook 'Em 2
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