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  1. I'm aware of the Papadopoulos angle in all of this. Doesn't change what happened with the dossier. Without the dossier, we don't have this special council.
  2. Care to explain what's false about my statement? It is my understanding that the dossier was created as part of opposition research conducted by fusion GPS . That research was paid for originally by Jeb Bush and then the Clinton Camp started paying them. It was carried out by a former British spy who used his contacts in the Ukrainian and Russian governments to create the dossier. That's my basic understanding of how that document came into being. If something is factually incorrect, i'm open to having my mind changed.
  3. The piss dossier was opposition research and was the basis for the entire investigation getting started. Then you had the average joe FBI agents do their job while others in the IC and a senile Senator with a brain tumor decided to leak information to the press. If it wasn't for Jake Tapper at CNN, the piss tape story would have never made it to the mainstream and you guys would have been doing something much more productive over the past 2 years other than furiously masturbating over political clickbait.
  4. You are right.. the piss tape is on par with the Michele Obama having a penis conspiracy theory. The Russia collusion conspiracy as a whole is much closer to Bush's WMD in Iraq hoax. A lot of people believed that as well.
  5. From page 1 this was about impeaching the president for treason that never happened.
  6. This is the same issue I have with releasing it to the public. I think it should be released to Congress for sure. There needs to be some level of discussion among the leaders of both parties about how far the public disclosures need to go.
  7. I think the odds are pretty good it gets released in full and it basically hands Trump 2020.
  8. I took a long break from Surly specifically because of how hostile the politics forum was to conservatives that even slightly pushed back at this insane conspiracy theory. I thought it was a waste of my time to argue since certain posters were going full on tin foil. Now even after "Mueller Time!" completely clear the President and his campaign of collusion you are still grasping for straws. Take the L.
  9. What does Putin have on Glenn Greenwald?
  10. Jacob Wohl wins this round
  11. Where are the pictures of the pre-dawn raid?
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