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Everything posted by udaydanceparty

  1. Good analogy. They will find that birth certificate and impeach him any day now.
  2. I guess that's one possible explanation. I think the simpler reason is that it's a political game to keep their base distracted from losing.
  3. Was this is the one Mueller came out and squashed because it was so dumb? Or is that another buzzfeed article?
  4. The news today is that the democrats are confirming what Senate Republicans said last week. No collusion.
  5. Let's imagine a world where the senate intel committee has less information than you do...
  6. How could the Senate intel committee miss something like that!?!?
  7. Imagine being someone who spent 2+ years of your life obsessing over this conspiracy theory..
  8. Please tell me this is just tongue and cheek and we aren't going to have a 200+ page threads filled with this conspiracy theory.
  9. Essentially.. that's the level of cognitive dissonance over the Russia story. Hugo is the piedpiper once again.
  10. Yes all those high ranking officials doing hard time in the federal pound you in the ass prisons. Trump will be taken down any day now... For guys like George P, it was a net positive for their careers. You must have been too young to have seen all those "chemical stockpile" stories popping up on the news and the mountain of evidences stories. It's okay.. you'll be an adult through this one.
  11. I think it's closer to the "9-11 was an inside job!" and "Saddam has WMDs" stories Hugo was filling message boards with previously. He'll jump on another one once this one loses steam. He's tempering expectations and even bothered to change his avatar so even he's starting to realize it's close to over.
  12. It's Saddam's WMDs all over again. Remember defending that nonsense tooth and nail for 3+ years?
  13. Kiss me i'm irish https://twitter.com/AFreeBlackMan
  14. She is going to get destroyed over this in the primaries. She doubled down on a blatant lie.
  15. Barrett will be the nominee. Going to be really fun seeing Dems bash Catholics as religious extremists and alienate latinos.
  16. From what I can tell, the liberals did everything they could to stop Kavanaugh. They have failed so they are lashing out. Probably the biggest political loss since the 2016 election.
  17. Not so sure about that. I'm pretty sure more people are taking their kids to shrinks nowadays than they did in the 70s,80s and 90s. Plus, there is such a broad spectrum for autism, I'm willing to bet the general population was under diagnosed for the most part.
  18. Why are media organizations trying to dox the jurors in this case? Judge Ellis just squashed a request by the media to release the names of the jury. He also has US Marshals following him thanks to credible threats on his life. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/08/17/judge-in-manafort-trial-says-hes-been-threatened-over-case.html
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