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Everything posted by udaydanceparty

  1. Why would you resort to slander instead of attacking her argument?
  2. I haven't seen anyone promoting the Q conspiracy shit on this board and personally don't know anyone who believes in it. I think it's roughly the size of the flat earthers or at most 9-11 conspiracy nutjobs. There is probably substantial overlap. It's the fringe, not the base that is promoting this stuff. Now if you want to talk about a large segment of the population that has turned their brain off, look at the Russia conspiracy nonsense.
  3. I think this perfectly sums up what Q really is. I think the numbers of Q believers is exaggerated.
  4. The US is one of the few countries out there that actually try to claim taxes on earnings made overseas. For example, an Italian, German or Canadian working in France would only pay taxes in France while a US citizen working in France would be taxed by France and the US. You can write off quite a bit though.
  5. Let's set the record straight on one thing. It wasn't simply that Gunn made a joke about Pedos. It's that he was making those jokes back and forth with his buddy Huston Huddleston. Huddleston just plead guilty to possession of child porn. https://www.dreadcentral.com/news/277833/hollywood-science-fiction-museum-founder-pleads-guilty/ So that's why those old tweets are getting brought up now. It's also wrangling in the Rick and Morty creators. I've been a fan of that show and it kind of makes me sick because it totally makes sense in hindsight. *pukes*
  6. I hope the kid who made this claim gets his life together and has more positive experiences with regard to race relations going forward.
  7. Dems need someone like Gore ASAP. I would gladly vote Gore to restore the balance alone and I think he'd be a better President than Bush/Obama. It would also pull the party away from this flirting with overt socialism stunt and that would be a good thing. Going too far left really weakens the party and by extension the entire US government. 2,1,3
  8. “The word ‘racism’ is like ketchup. It can be put on practically anything — and demanding evidence makes you a ‘racist.’” -Thomas Sowell (known racist)
  9. San Fran is giving non-citizens the right to vote...
  10. It's kind of hard to tell why people are actually getting negged. I've been negged 3 times in this discussion by Horn Under a Bad Sign for engaging in this discussion with you. I am sure it has everything to do with the content of each of my posts right? Also.. if someone is trolling, negging them doesn't fix the problem. They just come back even more determined.
  11. More importantly... The American public doesn't give a shit about this Russia nonsense.
  12. Back on topic... I'm curious how anyone can sit here and say our intel community is totally awesome given recent history which includes providing bad intel that lead us to invade Iraq. The death toll from that fuck up is pretty awful. Even if you don't get into most recent incidents, it's hard to argue that wasn't a huge knock against the credibility of our intelligence agencies. Did everyone completely forget about that or has the decision been made to ignore it?
  13. I will upvote his posts simply because you are acting like a moron. He has a different opinion, deal with it.
  14. Maybe I am missing something but when I block someone and they get banned, when they come back in 15 minutes their new screen name is not blocked. I'm not spending all day on this board so I will admit I'm ignorant about how that works. I also don't follow posters from board to board trying to figure out if I agree with them on every topic or what they said in X thread. And yes.. I've definitely blocked some unhinged individuals. If you want to keep running in circles, by all means, keep doing it. I believe my way is much less stressful though.
  15. The sock problem takes care of itself if you just mute them. I've said this repeatedly. I've ignored the unhinged posters on here and it's made things much more pleasant. People troll to get a response. I've only mass up voted people when I think they are getting picked on.
  16. Okay Jessica Fletcher, so I guess next you are going to claim you think both are my socks. We instituted the option of banning people based on rep and it's resulted in certain posters acting like kindergartners. People like brian fantana (and others) can unload 10+ negs a day on a single person and do it on a regular basis. Not a peep from you because he's on your team. In response, people on the other team, +rep those posters to prevent them from getting banned simply for having a different opinion. And you seem to have a problem with that? Keep in mind that some posters on here know eachother IRL and are willing to "inoculate" those they believe are being cyber-bullied. If that really bothers you, maybe you need to take a moment to self reflect why that is...
  17. Best not to cite the indictment of foreign nationals that have zero reason to ever respond to them. The last time Mueller did that they actually showed up and he was so unprepared that he begged the court for more time. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-12/mueller-seeks-order-protecting-evidence-in-russia-troll-case
  18. I think it's much more likely that the troll farms were private parties in Russia acting in their own self interest. That's why they weren't concerned with covering their tracks.
  19. If Putin is the mastermind you are making him out to be, you wouldn't be seeing it all figured out by the 6 degrees of Putin crowd. The reality is that both states and private special interests have always exerted their influence on our media. It's usually not a controlling relationship but rather a situation where they share common goals. Republicans/Fox/Russia having favorable opinions of Trump. While Democrats/CNN/Iran/China much preferred Clinton. Even within the EU, you have different countries having a different preference. Italy/Poland prefer Trump in general. France/Germany preferred Clinton. Britain is pretty much split based on #Brexit lines. Everyone has different reasons for having their preference and it doesn't mean that there is some grand conspiracy. Putin flat out said he didn't want Clinton because he was worried it would hurt relations. Well if his goal was to improve relations, I think his master plan failed miserably.
  20. When is the bachelor party?
  21. PJ seems to be a little overly ambitious with his projects. That could potentially be a great movie or it could seriously suck.
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