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Everything posted by udaydanceparty

  1. First viewing I thought Billy Madison was funny. Fast forward to today, I think it was a bit overrated.
  2. Strzok was most definitely biased. Strzok should not have been on any politically linked investigation and that's why he was removed. His infidelity definitely impacts his credibility as a witness. If you are willing to lie to your wife, you are pretty much willing to lie about anything. For some reason, this is the first I've heard he was married and these messages were done with his mistress. As for this being a conspiracy.. Strzok's responses to those questions were reasonable and believable. He didn't believe that Trump would be elected and he'd be "stopped" by the voters. He has TDS. Unless there is evidence he did something to impact the investigation, they should probably leave him alone.
  3. All the pictures and talk about this giant Trump balloon made it seem as if they were going to have a zeppelin flying over the city. While the image is funny, I can't understand how that stunt could be considered anything other than a failure to those that paid for something the size of a rose parade float and ended up with something you'd see at party city.
  4. The balloon in London cost $45,000. So $100 on the balloon and they pocketed the rest. lol
  5. It's also not a surprise that they sensationalized the story. All that Trump said was that both sides would be required to scrap the deal because Britain having a bilateral deal violates the British agreement with the EU.
  6. 46 of the 103 were deemed to dangerous to give the kid back to the adult traveling with them. We aren't even touching the unaccompanied in this example. If someone is crossing the US/Mexican border you put them back on the other side of border. It doesn't matter where they came before that.
  7. We need to immediately investigate all Ohio state reps that supported this bill for connections to Russia. Putin clearly made a thinking cap and was playing the long game.
  8. Wait so Stormy Daniels is now a political opponent? She's running for President now? Undercover Vice hanging out a strip club is pretty normal. They aren't just there for the strippers, they are there for the patrons too. At a high profile event, you can always assume police are there. Notice how no one is even claiming she didn't actually commit a crime?
  9. I don't think it's unreasonable to keep everyone together until a determination is made. ----- Slow down... Being an uncle doesn't make them a monster. Being a murderer, rapist and child abuser does. If they aren't related to the child, they shouldn't be taking them over the border. You can pretty much assume the worst if that's the case. We don't know the exact number but gradually the numbers are coming out. What we have right now are the 5 and under summary. More details would be preferable. We know some are monster though right? Just need to find out how many. --- Catch and release back on the Mexican side of the border I'd be fine with. The big issue with catch and release on either side of the border is that you have to change the laws for this policy to actually happen legally.
  10. Most likely scenarios in my mind. 1) She's didn't know the touching rules for Ohio. 2) She knew the rules and didn't care. If she violated the law, she will get her slap on the wrist and go to her next show. This is a nonstory.
  11. The numbers we have right now are only for the ages 5 and under so we only have the 46/103 to go on.When they provide statistics on the other 2900 kids (over 5 years) we can continue that discussion. For the sake of argument though, you would agree that Murders, rapists and child abusers shouldn't be near those kids. Correct? So are you willing to sacrifice the lives of those 46 kids? Maybe you should sit this one out since to were literally cheering for the genocide in Iraq. You don't seem to do a very good job of predicting it.
  12. Mary Praither sounds like a Russian name.
  13. Point 1.. I think you could ask the same thing to Obama but the reality is that it takes time for these problems to make it up the chain of command. Then once it gets there, they have to come up with solutions that work within the legal framework and get money for the solution. If the solution within the legal framework still has holes, it's up to congress to write laws that address that. Bush, Obama and Trump all asked Congress to get off their ass on this topic but they have been terrible regardless of which party is in charge. That's why I don't think you can blame Obama or Trump for the problem. Things like this take time to fix. ------------------------------------------- Point 2. Verifying the relationship between the minors and the adult accompanying the minor is pretty important because of the potential dangers the adults that aren't the parents pose to the child. This article came out this morning... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5946471/DOJ-adults-separated-kids-border-murderers-child-abusers-kidnappers.html?ito=social-twitter_dailymailus According the the US government, over the past 5 years 46 of the 103 small kids separated from their families were deemed unfit to be returned to the adult they traveled here with. The natural response to this question is why? -In multiple cases the Adult was not their parent -One case an adult was accused of abusing the child in Mexico. -One has a contagious disease. -Multiple adults had been charged with murder and are in jail. -Multiple adults had charged with kidnapping in Mexico. So the batting average on these cases seem to be pretty high all things considered. I wish we knew the exact number of cases of each thing, but I am in favor of separating children from child abusers, rapists and murderers. I can assure you this is a better batting average than CPS. The good news for those 46 kids is that even if they do not find a blood relative to take them in, they are guaranteed asylum under our current rules. While foster care isn't an ideal situation, i'm sure that there are plenty of people out there that will be opening their arms and adopting them. -------------------------------------- Point 3. I haven't committed genocide and I'm not going to take blame for any just because I might share the same skin pigment as someone who did. If you use that criteria, no one is free from the genocide blame game. Ever skin pigment has committed genocide on a mass scale. Genocide is the #1 excuse people use to come here. After white supremacists the cause of ethnic cleansing in South/Central America? What about Africa? Asia? Middle east? Ethnic groups have been murdering each other for thousands of years all over the world. It's not something exclusive to this continent. If anything, this is one of the few nations on earth that has grown above that kind of crap. You are using the same logic white supremacists use to claim superiority. Since they can't claim whites are superior based on IQ (which they aren't), they now default to technological advances as their go to. However, that's a flawed argument. Just because some white dude 100 years ago invented something, doesn't mean a white dude working at Walmart gets to take credit for it. Circling back.. You might think genocide is going to come to the USA but I don't see anything like that happening based on 46/103 small kids being separated from monsters that had them in their clutches. Are you willing to sacrifice those 46 kids so that the 57 other kids don't have to be separated? I am not.
  14. Uh oh.. he agree with a racist on an unrelated topic. Must mean he's a racist. Guess he should be crossed off the list.
  15. I bought this shirt for my brother in law for his birthday. He's 38 years old and having a pirate themed birthday party so it works.
  16. 1) Sessions was pushing for DNA testing.. Not sure where they are with that at the moment. 2) You are kind of talking past the points I am making. They are naive to think that the problems are only on their journey. A lot of times these people are smuggled in and told they have to work to pay off their visa etc. They sell them on the idea they will have a job and everything will be okay. Instead they are made into servants. 3) You are railing against a dark future that exists exclusively in your mind. You can't predict the future.
  17. There are plenty of naive people out there with hopes and dreams for people to exploit. Equating what's going on at the border with genocide is the definition of "hysterics". People need to stop crying wolf about every little thing Trump does and start offering viable alternatives. Open borders isn't even something Mexico is willing to deal with right now. Their new president announced he's going to build a southern border wall.
  18. If they are being sold into the sex trade then a coyote will hand off the kid or a group of kids to another person on the US side of the border or set a rendezvous point for people in the group to meet once on the other side of the border. The danger doesn't suddenly stop once they cross the border. Those smugglers view them as merchandise and someone is buying them stateside.
  19. Presidents can give unlawful orders. Neither Obama nor Trump are giving an illegal one by making sure these kids being smuggled across the border aren't being tortured by the people bringing them across. It's a shit situation and the policy's origin is a direct response to that.
  20. In what respect? Like allow them to move freely through American cities with ankle bracelets?
  21. There is never a good reason to visit Waco
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