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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Skipper

  1. Otter needed a game like last night. All around great effort after what seemed like quite a few C+ / B- games in a row.
  2. Yep. We've been getting points but haven't really played good hockey in 2+ weeks and Miko not doing much at all yet still getting comfortable. Hoping we can start putting some better periods together and see some signs of Miko beginning to mesh. I get that it's hard to have a sense of urgency night to night when pretty much locked in to first round matchup (particularly if we win tonight) but also really need to start playing better hockey before it's on the line round 1 against COL as they are playing great right now.
  3. Ended up not doing the Ferry this trip. But Finest exceeded expectations. Older kids might get bored but mine (6 and 8 ) were at a great age for kids area etc., so we were able to drop them off during the day and go over to the adults side pool for an hour or so and then at night have kid free dinners a couple of nights. Food was pretty solid for an all inclusive, high quality liquor, etc. No complaints.
  4. I missed this just like I unfortunately missed the game (and what a great one to be at). Came down with a bad cold early this week so took it easy. Likely missing Thurs as well as leaving town early Friday morning. Going to make most of the games down the stretch though.
  5. Kind of what I'm getting at. The one predictable thing about Trump is he hated stock market losses. It's why he was going so crazy at the beginning of Covid because it was out of his control (remember the 'stop testing' line as the market was crashing). Someone convinced him to ignore the one thing we always thought he cared about.
  6. I'm genuinely a bit baffled by Trump's strategy here. His first term it seemed like he almost cared too much about the market and let it dictate policy. This time, he's hitting like 1000 buttons at once knowing damn well how the market would react. I think you might could make a decent economic argument for a measured approach as it relates to tariffs, or slashing government spending/workforce, again, in a thought out and measured way (after spending several months evaluating options). And maybe you do one or the other or both but not also at the same time you have blown up long standing international alliances. He just hitting all these levers at once right after winning the election by making the impossible promise to the mass idiots that he would somehow reverse inflation, lower interest rates but also keep the market and economy at large booming. That was obviously never going to happen. But from a strategy standpoint, is he just trying to blow it all up so he can try to blame it on Biden then take the credit for a recovery 2-3 years from now? I honestly thought the tariff nonsense was always just talk but maybe not. Interesting times. I'm sure I'll just get a bunch of emotional cloak room responses but curious if anyone has non-emotional "fuck trump" thoughts.
  7. I was considering same yesterday but didn't this time. I did this during COVID and went cash pre- market crash and patted myself on the back at how smart I was. Then missed the fucking runup and didn't buy back in until I was at a loss. I'm overly liquid right now though non-retirement and slow rolling putting that into the market.
  8. Nico/Adelson's cursed this team and every remaining player on it. I hope the STH renewal rate is abysmal.
  9. There actually was one released recently. I saw a headline come across the end of last week. It was the sole reason I clicked on this thread assuming there might be some substantive discussion of the actual topic of the thread. Silly me.
  10. I keep seeing people say that but guess I've been lucky. I had issues game 1 and never since.
  11. Trump/Elon bitching is fucking everywhere. I get it. I despise them too. But it's nonstop for certain posters no matter the topic. I'll just stick to stars thread, 9.95 and food and travel. Only places that have so far been immune. Continue on.
  12. Shocker. Drive by click to hopefully see 2025 hurricane forecast and it's another Cloak Room thread like this entire board at this point.
  13. Timely thread as heading to Resort (Finest Playa Mujeres) next Friday for a few days with kids. Not sure if we will get off the resort or not, but if we do would likely be to take Ferry to island for a few hours. So sounds like there are options to just take ferry over, walk around, find food and beach chairs or also to rent a golf cart and drive around? Do most places take cards or need to find an ATM?
  14. Here for a conference now and still the same. Couldn't check in on the app Sunday. Line sucked. Also for anyone coming in near term, we went late night over to Ellis Island yesterday and currently under renovation. At least half of the gaming floor is walled off. They only had one craps table and closed it right as we got in and only like 3 blackjack tables which were full. Pretty disappointing. Supposed to last another couple of months for the gaming floor portion apparently.
  15. I'm also not buying the "move to Vegas" conspiracy theories. I think some variation of this is how it played out based on everything I've read (which has been way too much). 1. Nico and Luka clashed and potentially didn't like each other. Luka probably did take advantage of his superstar status (as most probably do) and had his own personal medical team, etc. involved, and yes, did have documented issues as far as conditioning, dealing with refs, drinking, etc. (not unlike Nash and Dirk at that age who I saw out all the time during that era). 2. Nico and new ownership didn't really help the above dynamic by running off long time Mavs support staff that Luka had good relationships with. 3. Nico's surrounded himself with "Yes" men in the front office. 4. Nico's background is AAU driven/U.S. basketball and he's not as comfortable with European influence/European star player. 5. Nico had a longstanding (going back to high school) personal relationship Anthony Davis, and considering all of the above, believed AD to be a much more comfortable "fit" for him and what he envisions for the Mavs. It was always AD or bust for him regardless of reports to the contrary. Lakers able to take advantage of this. 6. There was zero regard for state of franchise post the Kyrie/AD window. Nico has no desire to still have this position once Mavs are in full rebuild. 7. So given the above, Nico convinced himself (without anyone providing strong opposition) that this was in fact a good basketball move. Dumont is fucking clueless about basketball in all aspects and allowed himself to be convinced by Nico that this was a good move. 8. Nico and new ownership aren't from Dallas, have zero appreciation for Mavs history and Dirk in particular. They had no idea what the quote on his statue said and no appreciation for how much the 2 way "loyalty" with Dirk meant to all during the era of star players bouncing around and teaming up together, and thus no appreciation that Luka was, to this fanbase, the more talented heir apparent. Thus, they completely underestimated the fan backlash. 9. Cuban had been frozen out and had no real opportunity to save these idiots from themselves. 10. The entire organization, after completely under appreciating the fan backlash and not expecting the almost universal assessment that this was, in fact, an absolutely retarded basketball move, has managed this from a PR perspective about as bad a humanly possible.
  16. I'm not a litigator but I saw the demand letter from Clare Locke posted on social media and thought it was terrible. Way too verbose, repetitive, unnecessarily aggressive. I read like something I would have written as a first year attorney that would have been ripped to shreds by a partner.
  17. This. Talk about a quote from someone that has been handed 100% of the "success" he's ever had in life but has convinced himself he deserves it. Fuck that guy.
  18. I bet season ticket sales fall off a cliff. I'll be interested to hear from season ticket holder friends what they do about pricing. If they were smart they offer up a decrease as a 'loyalty' gesture but my bet is on another material increase given how tone deaf they have shown to be about everything else the last 2 weeks.
  19. At least in 2012 the thesis was plausible if not flawed. Ownership/front office thought we caught lightning in a bottle, couldn't repeat, and needed dry powder for the 'big free agents' (which of course, never materialized). So it was a big mistake but at least you could see the argument. In this case, not only did they trade a beloved international superstar entering his prime that got you to the finals last year, but they got a terrible return and then shit all over him for literally no reason on the way out. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it in sports. And I wish nothing but the worst for those 2 assholes. I don't see myself ever rooting for this team again unless both are gone or at least Nico is gone and Adelson does a massive mea culpa for ruining the franchise.
  20. Credit to the players that are healthy for appearing to give playoff level effort but that isn't sustainable.
  21. And he didn't even show for the press conference last night (just like bitch ass Nico refuses to face the local media). Not sure what that was about. Players are having to take the full brunt of this implosion which isn't fair to them, but yeah, I want Nico and Adelson to wallow in failure. Guess this is how Washington fans felt about Dan Snyder.
  22. It's organizational Karma. Sucks for AD and pretty much everyone else involved except for Nico and Adelson. Those 2 clowns absolutely deserve it.
  23. I was at one probably 12 or 13 years ago that probably had around 20 and we had a large private room at the steak house in Planet Hollywood for the main dinner. I either planned it or help plan it and even back then it basically required a set menu per person with a drink package and had to book either entire dinner or like 50% on my card to reserve room. That ended up being a blast of a dinner but if actually trying to plan something for a group that large, while possible, it's going to be more like hosting a party or corporate event and it's going to require $$ up front, and like others have said, you have to account for inevitable no shows when budgeting. There is still some jackass friend of a friend of a friend that is apparently a doctor now that still owes me like $500 for a 2007 era Vegas trip that still irks me.
  24. I talked to a 25 year season ticket holder late afternoon and biggest die hard fan I know that is not planning on renewing as of now. There hasn't been any formal announcement to ticket holders about this whole $2K rebate (he hasn't heard from his ticket rep at all) and hasn't wanted to bug him or vent. It really sucks for all the people in Mavs marketing, sales, PR, etc. that are having to deal with this shitshow when they are all probably equally furious about what happened. But as for season tickets, new ownership already jacked up season tickets a ton last year. They probably won't read the room and do the same this year. They are going to lose a ton of the long term die hards. It's just going to be a completely different fanbase go forward. I mean, it had been trending that way for a while now (and a big reason I'm a Stars and not Mavs season ticket holder as the actual fans to corporate/ Insta crowd skews WAY more towards "fans" at the Stars games) but just going to trend even heavier corporate, Gen Z, Dallas transplant etc. that will jump on and off bandwagon depending on record. Those of us that lived Dirk's entire career arc with highs and lows of a true superstar that was "ours" feel like we got robbed of watching the same thing play out with his more talented successor. It's just disgusting. And I'm sure I'll take my 8 YO son back to a game at some point but not anytime soon (he was mad he doesn't get to see Luka but did not understand why we don't root for the mavs anymore and I decided to drop it for another day). I can't fathom spending a dime for this franchise or this owner at the moment.
  25. Stars already got most of my $$ and attention during the non-football months but will now be getting all of both. Sad I'm missing last game before long stretch off today but daddy/daughter dance taking priority this afternoon. Let's get 2 points.
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