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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Skipper

  1. Yeah, that article puts it in perspective and even probably worse than I thought. I'll put it more bluntly. Any Democrat celebrating Mitch retiring is a fucking idiot. You may not have agreed with him but he was one of the only sane and principled R's left. I don't really get the overall cockiness on the D side when your hand consists of an extremely old (and thus weak) Presidential candidate, an incredibly weak VP and the alternative on the other side being pretty much the end of American democracy considering the Cheney's and Romney's of the world are rapidly leaving the picture.
  2. No, he's not a moderate. But I still think he would have been a decent president. It's not that high of a bar IMO considering the alternatives. I thought Delaney, who was an actual moderate, would have been a fantastic president. But he was booed off the stage in a Democratic debate for stating some of the far left pie in the sky fantasy positions Bernie and Warren campaigned on had zero chance of actually becoming law and instead suggesting positions that were actually supported by a majority of the country. I don't necessarily dislike Biden other than the fact he's too old (as is Romney now) and will vote for him again but when principled politicians like Romney that aren't batshit crazy retire, it's not a good thing considering the current state of politics.
  3. Not a popular opinion to the loonies on either side but Romney would have been a pretty solid President IMO.
  4. And their donors have already wasted a ton of $$ buying the top rated class of all time with zero ROI. I'm guessing some of those guys have to be tired of throwing good money after bad.
  5. This was my favorite part of the game last night. In years past I feel like this team lets mistakes get in their heads. Everyone shook it off and made a big play to make up for it.
  6. It was still a shitty opinion. But glad you are back on board!
  7. Kind of glad Wyoming beat Tech so we have something to focus on this week. Because I'll be pretty shocked if we don't come out a bit flat after tonight. Almost impossible not to. I'm just glad bars will be closed by the time the team chart lands (and closed long enough they don't just stay open a few hours for the team like the Drink and/or Buffalo Club back in the day, if that's still possible in current times)
  8. LOL. That's what we've been waiting for?
  9. I better hear we did big fucking numbers tonight, and this week, or our fan base doesn't deserve nights like this. Cue Montell Jordan. This is how we fucking do it!
  10. In case nobody reading the other threads on the board, our leaders (that proceeded to never post shit from the tailgate) said they wanted $50K in the Texas One Fund tonight after we win. Who else is doing their part. Load it the fuck up. These kids, and our future 5 stars, deserve it.
  11. Anyone else? I see lots of bourbon pics in the game thread. But need more bourbon induced decisions to overpay the fund. This needs to be the damn norm again.
  12. Who else? Let's keep it up.
  13. I'm a monthly donor but feel like everyone should give a one off after this one.
  14. How about a little bonus for the boys!! Home | Texas One Fund
  15. I'm glad whoever had the "shitty JFC" opinion that this was a must win game for Sark is still on the bandwagon!!! I'm all in!
  16. Yall just need to plan on staying another night to recover tomorrow! That is if you did it right today. What a trip.
  17. Have been saving my last pour of Blantons for a long damn time. Time to pour. Congrats all!
  18. Great half. We've missed a couple of plays but we've made a lot more. Let's keep it up. No Fucking Brakes.
  19. Let's Fucking GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
  20. Give Em Hell Horns!
  21. Maybe they all forgot phone chargers? What the hell. Living vicariously through this thread not going as intended.
  22. This team turning into literally the worst team in baseball was not on my Bingo card
  23. That poor family across from yall LOL
  24. Cmon now, If OU was playing Bama this week, Corby would have made damn sure that was at least half of the segment.
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