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Moby Ric

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Posts posted by Moby Ric

  1. Let me help out here.  I am in CS more than I like to be but I like money and I have clients there.

    Upscale dinning:

    Republic for steaks

    Solt for fusion

    1860 or Amico nave for italian.


    3rd and main for burgers salads etc

    Fuego for tacos.  Think Torchy's but better

    Top of the hill for burgers


    Jesse's.  Best breakfast taco I have ever had.  No kidding

    Sweet Paris for crepes etc.

    For mexican you are kind of out of luck.  I have tried all of them and they all are marginal at best.

    Any other questions let me know. I am sure I missed something, especially places to potentially avoid.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 5 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Not sure if serious, but will elaborate.  The "pink cloud" is the phenomenon by which the newly abstinent alcoholic or heavy drinker feels great about everything, mostly because the demon alcohol is finally out of the system.  At some point, that euphoria goes away, real life hits, the need for actual coping skills comes into play, and drinking starts looking like some kind of solution again.  As cajun used to put it, "the ego rebuilds" and the mind starts telling you stuff like, "it wasn't that bad," "I can control it now," "I got this."

    The medical term for it, or something similar but possibly more serious, is post-acute withdrawal syndrome, or PAWS.

    Anyway, when the pink cloud goes away, the "insanity" hits.  The main feature of the "insanity" is the contemplation of return to drinking, which is why it is referred to as insanity.  But the feelings of restlessness and discontent that may precede the first/next drink also bear a resemblance to some form of insanity.

    And it may be at this point that the need for a systematic program of recovery becomes apparent.

    It has been discussed extensively here, or maybe it was TOS, but I'm not expecting anyone to have read the whole damn thread.

    So it's a big gross queef.



  3. 10 hours ago, After irth said:

    Mac and Moby give me hope.  I feel like I need to check in to this thread.

    Come on.  I was a lurker here and reluctant for the longest time.  Now that I have made the change and commitment to being sober my life is so much better.  Don't wait for some tragedy or something to happen for you to say to yourself I have to make a change.

    This group of guys in here will have your back.  PM Bear if you need to, he will help you.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 hours ago, Lobo said:


    Now then, going back to Baking with Tourette's.  How in the world did you find that clip?  That's a serious youtube rabbit hole to go down.  Or is it on the Food Network's youtube channel?  I gotta know! 

    Well for one it is very real, she has a whole channel where she shows what life is like having tourette's.  Some are showing how silly things can get others are serious and show her challenges.  Best shout out I have seen her do is "your favorite color is butthole"  I wish I could have coined that phrase cause its glorious.

    I ran across it on FB going through reels to get some new ideas for cooking.  I nearly pissed myself.  

  5. On 9/8/2021 at 12:39 PM, Samson's Wig said:

    Reminds me of the assholes coming to the U.S. on international flights who request wheelchairs to skip ahead of the customs line upon landing.  It's always a miracle when they hop right up after getting through the line to run and catch their connecting flight.


  6. 2 hours ago, 40acredropout said:


    So in that same vein, who is the family member you would last want to bump into in front of respected friends/colleagues.  Or last you would want to let stay in your house for a week.  You get the point.



    For some posters here, it is themselves that fit this description.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Nole-4-Life said:

    I've never wanted someone to get hurt or sick more than that dude. He was a beating.

    Yes that guy deserved an ass beating.  I am sure he is taking some sort of beatdown on social media.  

  8. 16 hours ago, topochico said:

    Those are both great! I completely forgot that the show was coming up. Hopefully it will be bigger than last year. 

    Yeah I was in Scottsdale last year for some much needed chilling out so I missed the show in 2021.  So I am looking forward to going and doing some prospecting and possibly selling, buying and or trading.  If you see some tool lugging two basses around its me.  Come by and say hey.

  9. It is obvious the typical idiots were called in to spew their crazy.  If you can't read, you can't be helped.  one thing I will give to you CR folks is you are organized, you call in the ultra crazy, and the socks right on cue.  I posted a therapy link for you guys, use it.  

    Like I said you dumbasses are more predictable than the weather  You all responded exactly how I said you would.  Congrats.

    I am going to remove myself from this toxic trash since some of the idiot gang has started to show up.  Good luck with your mental health.  I am going back to the normal board and leave the delusional crazy shit to you guys.  Like I said, put me on your ignore list if you don't like hearing the truth about yourselves.


    • Hook 'Em 1
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  10. 16 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    You are a complete fucking idiot and should have already been banned for posting nothing but complete troll bullshit.

    Well look who it is.  You still mad that you were called out for being a pos racist?  Or are you still just making "a joke"?  

    And I should be banned?!  Fucking Moron.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  11. JFC People. 

    wildcat sorry the truth hurts, deal with it, seek help.

    tigol stop trying to fit in with the CR kids.  Run away.

    Lobo I really am getting serious about the reading comprehension thing.  You are either ignoring what I am saying or just making your own shit up.  I think it is the latter.

    Never said I don't know anything about politics, parties or ballots.  Typical CR bullshit, take someones words, twist them to fit your personal narrative.

    btw the chicken was excellent.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  12. I am going to have to be quick since I am making BBQ chicken as we speak.  And yes Mother fucker I am special.

    I made a very easy diagnosis if you will of the typical CR poster which per their posting habits is out of touch with reality.  it was not difficult, and as I said earlier, most people already know this.  And that is a fact.  I know you guys have issues with that, especially you since you say you deal with politicians.  In fact the typical response is all over the place.  Negs, insults, and avoiding any real response.  It is what I expected.

    And let's not gloss over that you are completely full of crap with your I looked up your IP address and know all about you hilarity.  

    Go back to serving drink to the leeches at your event Mr Sunshine.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  13. 11 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    You voted for Trump.  You don’t understand why some of us left the party.  And you don’t understand the need for many of us to have cathartic relief.  Therefore; you’re stupid.  So you fit right in with the current GOP.  At least other posters can be funny or articulate.  But you’re the perfect poster child.  Don’t ever change.  

    Let' see. Wrong, I did not vote for Trump in either 2016 or 2020.  I did not vote at all.  Wrong again, not affiliated with any political party, so there is nothing to leave or still be a member or even attached to.  I'm stupid, that is just childish on your part.  Wrong, other posters are not funny or articulate, especially your CR pals.  Correct, I will not change.

    btw, when I wrote earlier about one or a few of you need to work on your reading comprehension, you were one of them.

  14. Lol at Lobo.  Ok, I will nibble.  I don't know or care what you found out about looking at an IP address.  I will however divulge this one little bit.  I very rarely vote if ever, I have no party affiliation, and I have never ever given money to any political party or political candidate.  So you can assume all you want about me etc, cause it is clearly all wrong.  But by all means keep shoveling your BS for the CR masses to eat up.

    One quick edit.  You CR posters are more predictable than the weather.  LOL.

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