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Moby Ric

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Everything posted by Moby Ric

  1. Moby Ric

    Below Deck

    Melia and Sandy are almost unwatchable. Dude tries to have a civil convo with her about the day and says he doesn't appreciate being called a fucker. Melia's reaction was "Then don't be one" Captain should have called her out right there instead of having her back. And Sandy bitching about the laundry was pathetic. Oh and Tom's a bitch, no wonder Melia loves him, she can control him.
  2. You could let it fly off never to be seen again and your neighbors will thank you for it.
  3. Was introduced to papa's pilar last week. Highly recommend.
  4. Well fuck that. Fuck 2020 right in the face.
  5. Follower and saved many years ago. Left the church a while back but the CW brought me back to it about 7 years ago and I have been strengthening my walk with Christ. It is something I try to implement daily. pos rep for starting this thread.
  6. Saw this yesterday. I thought it was very good. Imaginary Hitler cracked me up. The shoe scene I should have seen coming; it was powerful.
  7. Yes BT on ignore is the best BT. Did it earlier this week. Life is better.
  8. We are now starting day 3. Kids are already exhausted. They are not used to the schedule being off for 6 months. Also some teacher tested positive for covid in their high school but its all cool they sanitized the entire area and let parents know if their kid was in contact. We were not on the list. I assume we will be forced to go all virtual on Monday. And from what I have heard the online schooling is not going well.
  9. Moby Ric

    Below Deck

    If I was her boss, that would be telling me a lot about her leadership skills. She can not lead people.
  10. Successful opening school day for my kids. They are all very happy to be back. So am I.
  11. Moby Ric

    Below Deck

    Oh man just finished it too. Tom is a fucking disaster, karma is a bitch Malia. Looks like the coming shows are all going to be good.
  12. Moby Ric

    Below Deck

    During the show. Now it is out obviously..
  13. Moby Ric

    Below Deck

    Watching it now. Malia is such a bag of shit. She is having a hard time holding in her excitement that Hanna is fired and she turned her in. What a bitch. Can't wait to see if word gets around that Malia is the one who turned in Hanna.
  14. They have left for school. I work from home and this is the first day in 6 months I have had quiet in the house. I had more pep in my step on my walk this morning, I feel great. This is a day to celebrate.
  15. It fucking rained!!!
  16. My kids are involved in band, FFA, drama, etc. Homeschooling is not an option. Plus oldest is a senior. She is dying to go back.
  17. I really enjoy social distance dining.
  18. Yes it comes with one 19 mag and two 17 mags.
  19. I have big hands so I need a bigger grip. What my draw is the 19 round mag vs the 8 round my Springfield has. I found a good conceal holster for the 19. I see the 43x holds 10.
  20. I have a glock 22 and love it. I'm looking for something for an everyday carry. I already have a Springfield XDS as one but I would prefer a glock since I just like them better.
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