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Moby Ric

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Everything posted by Moby Ric

  1. Moby Ric

    Below Deck

    Yeah, that was douchbag central. How those fags have any money to do a trip like that is beyond me. No game at all and classless tools.
  2. Our mortgage guy told us yesterday they are quoting rates at 2.6%.
  3. Exactly. Then the new thing will be the underground SXSW.
  4. Who on Surly will be the first to get the virus. Do we need to start a death pool?
  5. It has to be Charlie Sheen. And then some other guys who we have never heard of. Corey has dragged this out forever for a few more shots at fame and a buck.
  6. "Well....Bye" should just be the official saying on every Surly wreath. Or card, depending on the circumstances.
  7. Was just at HEB. The shelf with clorox wipes is empty. Fortunately my wife saw this coming a year ago and even after I asked her to stop her auto order of lysol wipes kept coming every month. I could black market these fuckers and make a killing. TP and water were looking low too. This is nuts.
  8. Moby Ric

    Below Deck

    The ginger girlfriend is getting on my nerves. Dude is going to ditch her before season end, at least he should.
  9. Great episode. I wonder how long it took to do that opening scene with the ants.
  10. Sounds about right since I just got the truck washed.
  11. Not in order Breaking Bad Seinfeld Top Gear with Clarkson, Hammond and May.
  12. Nice work at the end of the season Tech, way to tank hard.
  13. I am sure it is some joke about Vinnie and her and it gets over drama for the cameras.
  14. Totally unnecessary episode. And the teasers for the season are probably better than the real thing.
  15. Somewhere Ed Emmitt is sipping his coffee laughing this morning. After he boiled the water of course.
  16. And we start it all again tonight. Set your DVR and get out your bad cologne and hair gel.
  17. Tech lost to ousux? Glad I didn't bother watching the game. That should have been a gimme. Probably going to end up losing 3 of the last 4. Not a strong finish for Tech.
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