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Certifiably Surly
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3964 Surly 10%

About huge

  • Birthday 07/02/1975

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  1. You don't need to insert shit into her thinking. It's plenty bad as it is.
  2. Jesus is no one watching this? fantastic stuff
  3. Im saying there is little to no chance that that showing didnt sell a single ticket.
  4. Doesn't pass the smell test. But whatever. There are no winners here.
  5. Baldoni is brown? Italian?
  6. This has been enshittened a bit but Cameron Hughes Wines drink about double their cost IMO https://wineinsiders.com/pages/cameron-hughes-collection Wine Insiders bought them I guess, I have not ordered any in 2025 yet but they are almost always very very good for the price.
  7. This movie likely sucks but I think this is bullshit.
  8. Colombian ancestry of Snow WHITE has some of the usual suspects grumbling.
  9. My 6yo daughter loved it, to the surprise of absolutely no one.
  10. I bet their hair smells like a billiards parlor.
  11. Or you could watch the video I posted in this very thread.
  12. handle checks Working downtown Houston I rolled up on a lady that had just been hit and killed jaywalking. I remember her typing pool pumps and hose ankles sticking out from under the sheet.
  13. Asheville was/is a lot more than that but would definitely check those boxes.
  14. Tempting fate! BOLD
  15. Pudding slaps?
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