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Certifiably Surly
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3896 Surly 10%

About huge

  • Birthday 07/02/1975

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  1. HAH I didnt remember that he was in 2 episodes
  2. What's the deal on Frank August? Pay for the handsome bottle? https://www.totalwine.com/spirits/bourbon/small-batch-bourbon/frank-august-single-barrel-bourbon/p/2126237846?glia=false&cid=plia:Shopping+US+None+ENG+SPART:::google&s=517&&pid=cpc:Performance+Max%2BUS%2BTEXA%2BSTANDARD+PRIORITY::google::&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAy8K8BhCZARIsAKJ8sfRUpTmdJTIn9XsdeCm3DTfVk07ATFLm1DYIyaeMaW3GuVbxqtK_1bsaAkQlEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  3. Pretty sure Jack McCoy was not in Godless. Good show though.
  4. Houston should be an interesting case, supposed to get up to 38 today but currently its 29 and feels like 13. Several inches of snow on the ground. All schools already cancelled tomorrow but roads seem fine so far...anyone encountered ice?
  5. The Four Seasons there had the best service I have ever enjoyed. My recommendation is to make someone else pay for it.
  6. So when can I turn my water back on? Absentmindedly flushed just now...
  7. I think he is being skeptical on 13 inches snow in Harris County.
  8. Now that's interesting, that's fucking interesting!
  9. Regarding Waygu, I've been buying the HEB centercut sirloin (whatever that is, looks like a rectangle) in Waygu. $17/lb this past Sunday at Bunker HIll. Everyone loves it. Much cheaper than the prime strips or ribeyes. YMMV
  10. I generally dont bother spiders but having that bitch living where people will be putting their hands, cannot abide
  11. I killed 2 female black widows at our neighborhood pool this summer. They were living in the large aluminum troughs we use for beer at our parties. RIP killer spiders. I think I have pictures, let me look.
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