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Certifiably Surly
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3,909 Surly 10%

About huge

  • Birthday 07/02/1975

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  1. Fogelman is involved with Only Murders too right? I like that show just fine. I'm in on Paradise. Watched the first 3. Wonder wtf is going on with Shahi, seems like more there than just grief counselor or even architect of social wellbeing
  2. I think my brother was friendly with SKB, kids on soccer team maybe?
  3. Dad used to fly on the Concorde occasionally. Said that the ceiling was hot to the touch.
  4. I see that Polar Pop is $.79 That's cheap. There is a CircleK near me but the reviews are not promising.
  5. huge


    No one else ever had over 200 singles in a season. in 04 Ichiro had 225 singles
  6. Cheapest fountain drinks and beer prices in the world, based on my EXHAUSTIVE* research *I tire easily
  7. Or maybe he continues to play the way he has now for 2 months and trading him would be dumb. Wait and see I guess...
  8. My only reticence is the crowd. And it never takes too long. And everything is cheaper. When Bucees gets enshittened then the real enshitten has hit the fan
  9. I’m as sane as John McClain but I would probably end up breaking something if I had to live with that thing for more than a month.
  10. I know one of the lawyers for Bucees very well. He had to move to Pearland to get the job.
  11. I like all 3 of those bottles. Readily available certainly doesn't mean bad.
  12. HAH I didnt remember that he was in 2 episodes
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