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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by huge

  1. My wife has one. Works for Abbvie, maybe you've seen their commercials? NOTHING IS EVERYTHING!!!!
  2. Mid-series off day? Seems odd.
  3. How are we feeling about the digital license vs paper now? I was talked out of digital last year. Most everywhere I hunt is MLD, if that matters.
  4. I cannot get cream gravy right the first time. It always takes a second shot. And usually is mediocre. Grandmothers all over the tri state area roll over in their graves when I start up a batch, usually after frying some backstrap chunks.
  5. Good job, good effort. Fell out of the playoffs in the final week. Likely due to managerial duncery.
  6. Nothing wrong with that. Drink it however you like.
  7. BA is not all that important. Our walk rate this year outside YA and KT has been terrible. Walks are the best.
  8. I mentioned upthread that the shipping on my online wine vendor has gone from free (on cases) to $1 to $5 to $20, well now in September they are discontinuing the loyalty/points program as well. SHITTEN
  9. No but I will give you a Laurel and Hardy handshake
  10. Apparently Wisconsin makes everywhere else blush, if the staggering numbers are to be believed.
  11. Also the word "retard" is understandably offensive to 2 good friends of mine so please change up your pejoratives.
  12. I thought the hive collective concluded that lineups matter about 2% of the time?
  13. Phillip! You changed man. Also dont call Surly "social media"
  14. Ok so everyone hated Dusty. Now everyone hates Espada. Billy Martin aint walking through that door, ok???
  15. What would you guess, age wise? 6?
  16. $87 at TW today. Don’t see an age statement. Lots of sediment floating around. Really sweet and oaky. This is good shit.
  17. Hamilton playing 2b
  18. @justhookit can elaborate, but you can back down on a fish in choppy seas and possibly have something similar.
  19. Bottles of Redemption Wheated go way too fast amirite?
  20. Works for snapper too. Kinda fun, not knowing what you are bringing up. Buddy has the state record on some weird rare grouper caught that way.
  21. guess he wasn't expecting the left...
  22. Hold up. Is this a Totinos with aftermarket pepperoni and japs added?
  23. Assume you dropped deep with LPs electric reels for the Tiles/Barrel? Great eating.
  24. what isn't on your shelf...
  25. fip was 2.35 the year before... That walk rate is bad, didn't realize that.
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