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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by huge

  1. Oh to keep this on topic my wife locked our bedroom door when we left town this weekend and the power was still off. As if the locked bedroom door would keep a fucking burglar out of there in the case of a full on break in while we were out of town.
  2. I had one similar from my grandmother. I moved into a new house that had a Viking gas grill with infrared. I fired all of it up to get the skillet ready to sear a steak. I guess 900+ degrees kills a skillet when you leave it on there for like 10 min. Lesson learned.
  3. I ended up buying a Champion that does peak 8500w on flash amazon sale yesterday for $785.
  4. Scared that Bellinger might re-suck again
  5. I have SP surplus need OF help Berrios or S Gray are the preferred assets on table.
  6. This one looks like a good deal. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B099KKP4PK/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B099KKP4PK&pd_rd_w=uqScq&content-id=amzn1.sym.d81b167d-1f9e-48b6-87d8-8aa5e473ea8c&pf_rd_p=d81b167d-1f9e-48b6-87d8-8aa5e473ea8c&pf_rd_r=QS3QGSB7J0E6311JZ1XC&pd_rd_wg=Y8Qva&pd_rd_r=16f69e13-fb72-48eb-8e99-6c2922a43459&s=lawn-garden&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM My neighbor sent me a link to his Honda. 2200w for $1100 Any thoughts on other brands?
  7. I was setting up for an neighborhood happy hour on Thursday (outdoors) when the tornado alarms went off. No one had a clue what was coming, to the point where I was out driving around and had to pull my car up into an IHOP parking lot when the shit was hitting the fan. At one point I could not see the end of the hood of my car. About as close to white out snow as I have seen rain get to. I also felt the pressure drop in my chest and was told by an okie friend of mine it was a "hook echo" and meant a legit tornado was in the area. I need to buy a generator.
  8. Not exactly. Still sucks for the motorist.
  9. huge


    Go check out Leon Bridges.
  10. This is the way. It's all about trial and error but coming from an informed position. Maybe not every smoker is different but more than anything it's all about informed effort.
  11. Right that is my thought but I have not heard anything reported as to the details.
  12. Can anyone tell me why they broke protocol and searched before the 4th after searching after the previous innings?
  13. You dont know where he lives...
  14. Interesting premise. Both leads are excellent. Looking forward to the rest.
  15. Not according to the people that study this shit for a living. But you're probably right of course.
  16. There is a reason that some companies require executives to park nose out. Liability. It's more dangerous to park nose in according to the actuaries. You can argue semantics but you cant argue with an actuary.
  17. I did one of those swim with dolphins deal in the Bahamas. The ones they have at the Atlantis are about 400# of pure muscle. Badass animals.
  18. I (48M) rock NB but not those shitty ones you reference. FRESH FOAM Back in preferred.
  19. Houston got hammered. 12 holes of golf tournament then kaputski
  20. So long as you are good with $225
  21. huge


    This isnt exactly what happened. One guy posted that. And he's not so much a racist as he is a dumbass.
  22. Can you keep your jihads out of this thread? No one else cares.
  23. How we feeling? No way we blow this one right?
  24. Does that do anything to materially change his complaint about bail reform? Isn't ending the cash bail system what law and order types are against? From the article: Teare’s reports also show coordination with the Texas Organizing Project, a criminal justice reform group that often posts bail for suspects and supports candidates who will work to end the cash bail system.
  25. The online wine retailer I use has gone from free to $1 to $5 to $20 shipping on cases. Does that qualify? The wine is great and inexpensive for what it is so I continue to buy.
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