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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by huge

  1. Correct, very close to town. Not nearly as many fish as the Frying Pan but they were much bigger.
  2. Next time I will. Of course the guide didn’t have waders…
  3. Roaring Fork yesterday, good times
  4. huge


    We did sunset at Haleakala, recommend!
  5. Guilty as charged. I am about to have one with lunch.
  6. When I buy beer it is 80% IPA and 20% Modelo.
  7. Ray Stevenson's cause of death still unknown? I totally missed that back in May. Damn shame, I wanted him to do an older Reacher movie kinda like the Frank Miller Dark Knight returns business
  8. When I was 18 I made it home to Houston after floating the river in New Braunfels in 90 minutes in order to catch a ride to an out of town party. Basically drove my car as fast as I could the entire time. Averaged over 100 I think.
  9. I would have spent a lot Shame my Montana trip turned into a Colorado trip when we were late on the Glacier NP passes
  10. Both teams were completely done with BP last night by 5:10 Zero player interaction before the game. Hundreds of kids up and down the lines there by 5:45. Place was packed last night. Good crowd.
  11. I already have tickets. There is an additional thing to buy?
  12. 9 year old wants some autographs and we are going tonight. What is the best way to do this?
  13. I got it from my San Antonio friend/lunatic
  14. Well he sounds lame as shit.
  15. So now you guys can show me what I am missing on Threads instead of Twitter? Cool cool...
  16. These bottles haven’t let me down yet
  17. Some guys still wear wristwatches and carry cash.
  18. Get the fuck out of here with that. There are only 2 opinions allowed.
  19. German gave up 10er in 3.1 his previous start. By that logic CJ should throw 2 perfect games and a Maddux
  20. When pissing at the HORDE fest in the mid 90s there would be a line of mostly full beers on the shelf that could be reached from inside and outside the mens executive washroom. Guys would always go up and grab beers from the outside if you left yours up there from the inside. Gotta police your brass.
  21. Barton Watch Bands has a bunch of inexpensive options for that. Mostly quick release too
  22. Point here is that camps can be expensive in my experience. Hopefully everything works out for everyone except maybe the business payday loan guys.
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