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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by huge

  1. Like anyone could possibly know that...
  2. Was this before or after that ridiculous sidekick phone or whatever it was you had that you loved to chat on?
  3. I like our chances in a faster paced game. We definitely have the edge in depth. LFG
  4. Answering your earlier question, I usually throw all sorts of veg into my leftover brine if its good stuff. Broccoli, cauliflower and any fresh peppers are good along side the usual french green bean, onion or okra.
  5. trade deadline yes k/9 yes
  6. biggest takeaway is the over-valuation of Weller Orange
  7. I LOVED the JD Rye special. Carry on.
  8. K/9 >>>>>>>>>>>K/BB
  9. Impressive, Fozzie spells it 3 different ways
  10. It seems to me like it takes a lot longer to get food these days. Maybe I just go to packed games. But its an issue.
  11. I like hold+save and k/9
  12. Good luck and keep this thread moving.
  13. Its a good track. Long. Just over 7000 from the second tees. Worth a round if you are in the area.
  14. Ended up with the TM Stealth 2 3wood 15 degree with the stock stiff shaft. Tried some more expensive shafts in the bay but nothing moved the needle. Achieved what I was looking for in the bay, now time to execute on a golf trip to Concan this weekend. Frio Valley Ranch, I hear good things?
  15. I had some Pappy at an Aussie bar in London in 2013. I forget which one but I do remember it was relatively reasonable. Told the bartender I was a Texan and we talked bourbon for a while.
  16. Sometimes you win Sometimes you lose And sometimes it rains
  17. Ok cool. Consider us ON NOTICE
  18. With those 2 at retail I would have been interested in seeing what else they had. But we trust your judgement.
  19. Pink was my original entry on the your WTF crush thread whenever that was. She is aging like cheese instead of wine.
  20. You must have gotten a stinker. The one I have is great.
  21. Truth still delivers Not pictured is the 4 quart sides we had Tot casserole Brussels Potato salad Mac and chee Stellar
  22. Used to be a $45 turd when you could find single barrel.
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