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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by huge

  1. You’re on here enough to read post 1109 Carry on
  2. Nope. Needed to strain I guess. Also I think I should have done 2 batches. It overflowed when I hit max.
  3. That's the point I am making. I recognize the genius! This genius stands in stark contrast to what happened previous. Like worlds apart. BN was on the hot seat is all I can figure. AND I AM GENERALLY TEAM BLUE!!!
  4. I don't know shit about fuck but it doesn't any sense to me. I I don't think Israel believes in complacency but again, I don't know shit. I just see them killing people with pagers. Maybe this is FAFO, but it seems like something else to me.
  5. They can blow up half of Hez with pagers and walkie talkies, but they didnt know shit about October 7? Seems unlikely that on one hand we are flabbergasted at their intelligence but yet they were caught with their pants down?
  6. In what world should FP be the cheapest of those 4??? Hell I might pay $200 for the blue. I paid more than that for RC16 several times and I prefer WFP usually.
  7. After further tasting the pepper skin was not totally dissolved/pulverized. I need to do better.
  8. huge

    RIP Pete Rose

    Good morning. Click below if you want to lose your breakfast Do you think SJJ should be in?
  9. I like the day games. Ben Verlander just likes to stir the pot.
  10. I'll start with people that have jobs where they cant watch the games, smart ass.
  11. Chili worked out. Floated 3 serranos and added some cayenne. Heat was there. Gonna experiment with pepper blends next.
  12. Simmering for a while. The backstrap will not break down easy
  13. These guys were introduced
  14. Batches of this going into big pot
  15. Ok speak slowly. Whats next @jimmyjazz
  16. Ok guys Give me a pepper ratio for 10# meat I’m doing Oryx 50% burger grind 25% pan sausage 25% backstrap cubes @jimmyjazz
  17. Remind me, what’s the consensus on the Woodford Masters 121.2? Pricey but good?
  18. Yall underestimate the disdain for Toad Cruz among most everyone. I know a million Rs and they all hate him. I think some will vote for CA just to get rid of Cruz and then vote whatever (non-toad) R shows up next ballot.
  19. @immamac should separate the Adams part out for its own thread?
  20. Are the books worth reading or just stick to the fantastic show?
  21. Who the fuck is Colin Rugg and why does he tweet everything?
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