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Everything posted by Pasken

  1. Fuck that. If you want tax relief then vote for people that will replace the bulk of our property taxes with income tax. That way instead of shifting the burden of supporting you to the working class, you shift it to the wealthy. What happens when they raise these exceptions is they have to raise the whole tax rate for everyone to compensate. It's such a fucking stupid way to fund a government. I already have to support the rural schools through recapture and the people that live outside the city limits through county taxes that don't ever get invested in Austin.
  2. That's like being the worst team in the NBA and drafting 3 Bryce Drews as a reward.
  3. The best part was the tweet they put out the next morning.
  4. Man, the Conference Semi Finals are going to be full of former Rockets + Morey.
  5. Pasken

    Moody Center

    Looking at it more closely and Colley is def being demolished. It's literally on top of the Erwin Center complex. You get a better view when you look at it at an angle from the east side of the building. They are not separate buildings. They're more like twin towers on top of the same podium.
  6. Pasken

    Moody Center

    I don't know about that. Are you just going by the diagram? I remember reading Cooley and Erwin center utilities are not separable. I think it's more likely it's all coming down.
  7. You’ve never seen an actual communist in your fucking life.
  8. It doesn't, that's why the city staff said they didn't want to do it last year so council didn't pursue it. All it does is distract efforts from housing people.
  9. Again, council didn't put together list and it seemed like most of them hated it. They directed city staff to come up with list. City staff first identified city land that wasn't in a flood zone. There are still council criteria that this list has not been checked against. They also haven't reached out to private groups that might be willing to partner. Does Cronk want this to fail? Probably but I'm not sure it's possible to find these perfect spots in the city that aren't going to cause a big stir. City staff still seem very concerned that they won't be able to close these down after they are opened. Still, seemed like Cronk should have said they needed more time to present a list that matches up with council's directives. I mean it's a stupid task anyway. This isn't a good idea but I guess you need to look into it first. Still, Cronk and Staff really made a mess of the item.
  10. Another option is no camps. The city staff was asked about them 2 years ago and they advised council against them. It's just then we send all the homeless out to the woods heading into a very dry year that is going to be good for wild fires. Just cross your fingers.
  11. It's a broad list. Some of them won't work and city staff will keep eliminating ones that don't fit the criteria that council put together. I think they want to settle on 10 total locations. Nothing has been passed here. Council asked about official encampments and that is what city staff is working toward. They are also looking at community owned property that isn't own by the city that could work. TLDR: It's really early.
  12. AISD and the city of Austin are not in any way related per texas State law. They city has 0 to do with education.
  13. Oh how clever. Your totally the first person to make that joke. You’re so clever.
  14. Lol. What a moron. Yea I’m the but hurt one. Keep complaining about rep.
  15. You guys crying about rep points now?
  16. I’m also glad you don’t live in austin. Time for the rest of you to leave until it’s too late and homeless socialism swallows your home and family!
  17. good lord. Can we move this thread to the 6th Street Journal? The amount of old white man anger in the DT is just too much. Why the fuck are you trying to make a culture war fight in a thread about transportation projects?
  18. Again, Prop B didn't address homeless along trails because that was always not allowed. Cronk didn't enforce the ban because of Corona. Council never legalized camping on trails and parks. People love to shit on her here but most of them agree with her policies on the homeless, transit and housing. It's really funny.
  19. How is the rest of council doing something different? They voted to certify the election results as was their duty. kelly is stil a disaster to the rest of the city. Her policies just make her a hero to the DT because of the posters that hang out here.
  20. Wouldn't that take someone suing the city over the ordinance?
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