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  1. I thought I couldn't dislike a coach more than Spike Dykes then Kirby Smart came along and said hold my beer
  2. NO PLAYER IN WHITE! FOR DAMN SURE! This kind of shit drives me nuts! And to also add the other off sides after the interception our guy ran out of bounds and their player practically leveled him oh wait there's no fucking Flag for hitting a Texas player late not in their world.
  3. The penalties cost us. A LOT and 2 miss FGs didn't help or the sacks etc
  4. Fucking fake punt! Our special teams screwed up.
  5. I'm about ready to cunt punch these fucking officials! That was a roughing the passer 100%
  6. Nice comment coach! LOL call the. For holding. And BS on that second offsides after the INT
  7. He should have been given a sideline warning or penalty. Fucking jackass
  8. I still don't understand how they're able to have such a ugly fucking blue Field that burns people's retinas
  9. They're so butthurt over Matthew being in the side lines.
  10. I had to post here too cause I'm laughing so hard
  11. Per Rusty post in FB , reporting
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