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  1. 3am. Chronic insomnia thought
  2. Yeah,maybe that's why he's saying fuck. Grammar police 🤣
  3. My life. Especially after having my gallbladder removed.
  4. I would think they would be time for a new coach considering it looks like we had promised and then we just totally shit the bed.
  5. Bevoette

    Getting old sucks

    "Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a minimally invasive procedure to remove your gallbladder. Instead of one large incision, your surgeon will make three or four small incisions in your abdomen. They’ll place a viewing instrument, called a laparoscope, and surgical tools into the incisions to extract the gallbladder." Let's add co2 to open the abdominal area for better views. This sucked so bad! Surgery was on the 26th and today, Mar 3rd the balloon abdominal pain has finally started to depart. I thought I was gonna pop. Age didn't help. My 22 yr old co worker had hers removed at 18 and healed quicker. Looking at my abdomen, I will no longer wear a bikini or crop top lol.
  6. I'm just going to say, I hate the fucking kick off rule! I mean really hate it. And my Patriots sucked this season
  7. 😂☠️
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