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Everything posted by Bevoette

  1. Bevoette


    Monica? That character gets on my fucking nerves. Casey deserves better
  2. Bevoette

    Getting old sucks

    I got up at 4am to pee and some would think my house was haunted with all the creaks and moans. But it was my 60 yr old ass, back knee you name it lmao. And I'm a toddler teacher so the creaks add up
  3. Why do the Browns have an angry elf in the middle of the field?
  4. My dad said he called Quinn a DA and that doesn't stand for district attorney. Glad we stuck with the run .
  5. Quinn is gonna be the fucking death of me.
  6. Regarding the Canon I mean come on the game hadn't even officially started yet they were praying show a little class and wait till they move then fire the fucking Cannon it's tacky and them trying to defend it doesn't make it any better warning or no warning show a little class
  7. https://twitter.com/CoachBSherrill/status/1594013837568901122?t=CtS8UtEDVd9wqrJc87ftWw&s=19
  8. But they have the best fans and the shirt less morons lmao It is chilly and rainy here today
  9. I blame myself for hope. Margaritas now
  10. I usually watch horror movies in Saturday sooo
  11. The Oscar goes toooooo, the fucking TCU punter
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