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Everything posted by Bevoette

  1. It's too fucking long and I'm lazy
  2. Well, fuck ! I have to find a way to stream the game.
  3. WTF I did voice text. That's so weird. And yea we just binged 3 seasons. It took me that long to get the hubby to watch it
  4. I've had several friends recommended and I got to admit it's entertaining. Look graphic here and there but I'm not a prude. But Soulja Boy Oh My Heart Jensen Achols is a dream.
  5. He's type casted for sure. It was pretty much what I expected 😁
  6. I would like ro take this opportunity to thank the Michigan quarterback for allowing us to win! We couldn't have done it without you
  7. Met Jeffrey Dean Morgan in Au a tin 2 weeks ago. Got to see other stars from Supernatural, I geeked out
  8. This was cool for ME! he kissed my head. Love him
  9. My cat Tux didn't want me to change the sheets
  10. Duran is my new favorite
  11. I'm going to say this about the Red Sox we are doing a lot better than I actually expected the season! Hell we got rid of half the team I had to learn a bunch of new names.
  12. I thought we weren't supposed to talk about a no-hitter? LOL
  13. Bevoette

    Getting old sucks

    What's crackalackin? ME , I just turned fucking 62
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