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Everything posted by Bevoette

  1. These fucking penalties! Fuck
  2. OMG THESE PENALTIES, sorry I'm yelling
  3. This game is fucking making my head hurt.
  5. Well, we're kind of sucking ass
  6. Bevoette

    Getting old sucks

  7. Dallas Cowboy owner Jerry Jones. Jamie Foxx cut the video as soon as Jones started observing mysterious measurements, one of which included the size of a man’s penis. So he fucking walks around with a ruler or what?
  8. Paige is gonna be a beast
  9. Defense is playing great this half
  10. 3rd and 5. Run the ball! FUCK
  11. This. Bullshit! targeting?
  12. Sounded like it 😅🤣
  13. WTF , should have declined
  14. It's too fucking long and I'm lazy
  15. Well, fuck ! I have to find a way to stream the game.
  16. WTF I did voice text. That's so weird. And yea we just binged 3 seasons. It took me that long to get the hubby to watch it
  17. I've had several friends recommended and I got to admit it's entertaining. Look graphic here and there but I'm not a prude. But Soulja Boy Oh My Heart Jensen Achols is a dream.
  18. He's type casted for sure. It was pretty much what I expected 😁
  19. Trap
  20. I would like ro take this opportunity to thank the Michigan quarterback for allowing us to win! We couldn't have done it without you
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