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Everything posted by Bevoette

  1. Hey REFS! that's the SECOND time Wash hit a player out if bounds
  2. I had to take a Naproxen, fucking headache. This game.
  3. Hold them to 3. And make some freaking adjustments on D
  4. Fucking fuck! Texas got flagged not long ago for being passed the line of scrimmage and his foot was passed not 2 ft like this mother fucker. You'll have to excuse my cussing but it's Longhorn football
  5. That guy lost 2 fucking yard and they refs give in line of scrimmage. Bullshit . Great stop
  6. Wow! Alabama going down! I think there was just one too many bad snaps! If I were the Bama quarterback I'd be fucking pissed off right now
  7. Michigan screwd on the late tackle on the QB
  8. Yeah Yeah has a weird helmet
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