White Dudes for Harris update...
"50,000 of you have RSVP’d for tomorrow’s kickoff call and we wanted to take a moment to address this milestone with a bit of emotional honesty.
When we started organizing on Friday, we could never have dreamed that so many of us would come together the way we have. We are a bit shocked. But also…grateful. We are grateful to be in this with you, and grateful to be starting something really special with you.
Ninety nine days from now we have an opportunity to help Kamala Harris make some history, we also have the opportunity to change some minds, to have some tough but fair conversations, to meet other white dudes where they are and to address some things that, well frankly, just haven’t been addressed.
We’re in this together, and a lot of people are taking notice. That’s why Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina, Congressman Adam Schiff, Actor Misha Collins, Actor/Singer Josh Groban and Author Scott Galloway are joining our call tomorrow. They will be joining a lineup of other incredible folks like Pete Buttigeig, Ben Wikler, Josh Gad, Michael Kelly, Rory O’Malley, George Goehl and others."