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Everything posted by texasdago

  1. Amen to that... the number of songbirds we have is cleansing, for sure.
  2. Yup... we used to live new Town & Country, my office was 5-10 minutes max commute.
  3. Can confirm... that was fun and a lot of people just getting together with no worries save for trying not to cross their lines. I love Zilker.
  4. I also worry about water and get so frustrated when I see people wasting water for their precious green grass... especially when you're under water restrictions and they say F that. We're mostly xeriscaped... not a lick of grass in the back yard (trees, beds, decomposed granite, brick patio areas) and 10% St. Augustine in the front... with beds, paths, trees etc etc. I've really focused on adding natives and incorporating yuccas, agaves, cacti and other plants that are mostly bulletproof. Really makes my life easier and it saves a ton of water.
  5. Honestly, I don't trust a single Texas Conservative politician right now. They might funnel our property taxes to hunt down drag queens and naughty books.
  6. No dude... totally straight...
  7. It may be growing but I don't think it would matter in that part of the state but, again, back to taxes.
  8. Just show them this map... this if for entertainment purposes only and not meant to start a political conversation.
  9. Oh, they'll totally understand that then...
  10. Wait until all his white followers find out his mother is African American. Honestly, this guy is miserable. The reason his followers don't have children/girlfriends/wives is because they are all losers.
  11. Because I'm emotionally scarred by lies about rain
  12. Can confirm. When I visited a client in Arkansas, I had a chance to see this aamaaaazing moving sidewalk. In fact, it had a sign that the endless sidewalk (as far as the eye could see) was the longest in Arkansas. Well, apparently its the only one... and the staggering length will mystify you (that's what she said) https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2023/jun/14/northwest-national-considers-moving-on-from/ The 55-foot moving sidewalk in the concourse takes up a lot of space and is regularly inoperable or in need of repair, according to airport staff. An evaluation found the moving sidewalk isn't needed to meet Americans with Disabilities Act requirements and actually poses liability issues. The moving sidewalk was billed as the first in Arkansas when it was installed more than a decade ago. The walkway has its own Facebook page: "The Only Moving Walkway in the State of Arkansas."
  13. Yes... evvverryone was thinking that when they saw the tweet. (What TrashMaster G said)
  14. As long as that flood flows into Lake Travis, I'm willing to sacrifice you
  15. I've very much like to see none of that happen and everybody just chill the F out
  16. I wish. All I know is when we go to Italy and visit smaller wineries I want find a way to come back with dozens and dozens of bottles of wine because the prices were so great and the wine is so good... And then I cry.
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