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Everything posted by texasdago

  1. Thank you This one is going to get a lot of use this fall
  2. To be honest once the bluebonnets fade there are even more wildflowers
  3. That'll be a good time. Austin Is blowing up with flowers
  4. That'll be a good time.
  5. We're hitting up Clarksville today for lunch and then making our way over to Pease Park for the madness although my son wants to go skate at House Park first. Great combo for the day.
  6. Samuel Gray Horse...
  7. Think we're going to hit up Money Chicha on Sunday. Anyone going to Air in October? Btw free Charley Crockett show on Monday at Waterloo at 4:30
  8. Barbacoa, jefe
  9. Sorry... weird quoting Aggie Karen
  10. Looks like the resurrected Blues on the Green will be in June this year... https://www.acl-radio.com/blues-on-the-green/#//
  11. Tacos and Cocktails at Cosmic tonight.
  12. My thought exactly except I could have done without the redasses
  13. Looks like Sunday is free day at Zilker Botanical
  14. Variations on a theme Last one for the day...
  15. These are going to be fun come football season
  16. Well played
  17. Nightmare fuel
  18. I'll take it you're not going to be at party island, then?
  19. Let's show the Corp some love...
  20. Thank you but I'm amazed by the realism of some of the others being created... farmer clem in his overalls was amazing! Seriously, some of y'all are so good at giving it directions to make it as clear as possible.
  21. ...and we're back in business!
  22. By the way, one of my friends on FB was running his mouth about Collie Station vs Austin re: the protests this past week. Rather than saying anything, I just copied and pasted a couple of choice images and left it at that. He didn't respond but I know what he was thinking... "loOk at PRetee pIcksHurS"
  23. Poor whiny grandpa... You know, this is how Trump thinks: "The courtroom is freezing to make ME uncomfortable" rather than "The courtroom is freezing. I'm not the only uncomfortable" Its always about meeeee
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