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Everything posted by texasdago

  1. It's a terrible business model... or at least certainly so in a saturated market.
  2. Today, ordinary Americans still want to make their own decisions, but ruling elites of both parties in Washington D.C. intend that we shouldn’t. The most important fight in America has always been, and will always be, “who decides.” I do - Tim Dunn https://timdunn.org/about-me-2/ His words and actions are hiiiiilarious!!! Ruling elites... cough cough... hello? Another Texas Monthly article - https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/power-issue-tim-dunn-pushing-republican-party-arms-god/ and one from Forbes - https://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2022/08/18/oils-new-bible-thumping-biden-bashing-billionaire/?sh=5004d1a135dc ...and this one is pretty fascinating - https://newstracs.com/brad-parscale-is-working-for-trump-2024-and-is-linked-to-texas-billionaire-tim-dunn/2023/10/10/
  3. All I know is my ass hurts looking at those laminate booths
  4. That dude looks like he laughs like the shark at :30
  5. A train... in the US? Thoughts and prayers. How about Europe?
  6. To be honest, I never went... and I know nostalgia and stuff but man that screams old people and a depressing meal to me. I'm probably talking out of my ass (as usual) but I don't get the love for Luby's either so there's that... Paywall for me but https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/the-terror-of-tarrytown/
  7. I think he likes it... I think he likes being loathed which just further shows that he is a psychopath and POS
  8. No one is supposed to go to Vidor... you're supposed to keep driving past it... especially after dark.
  9. Voting for Trump in this case or even not voting at all would totally be the a classic example of the Panthers Eating Faces Party
  10. You nailed it. The irony... They reopen when it warms up. Aren't there places on Lake Travis like that (for when Lake Travis is moist)?
  11. I'm all for talking about food in Austin but humblebragging on how many Michelin starred restaurants one has visited feels like it needs to go somewhere other than an Austin thread. I'm going to say a massive chunk of old and new Austin is not wringing their hands on Michelin stars. Like, I NEVER think of it. When I went to Mexico City, yeah, maybe there were several "best in the world restaurants" but have you tried this huarache from this food truck?
  12. It gets better... https://www.austinchronicle.com/best-of-austin/year:1995/poll:readers/category:food/ https://www.austinchronicle.com/best-of-austin/year:1990/poll:readers/category:food/
  13. Shoot... I'll eat outdoors year round. No Fs given. But it does depend what you're looking for. I mean, you can go the path of something like Bar Peached and eat in their sunken patio area or hang outside of Cosmic Saltillo or drive over Flo's off of 35th. I mean, you can always drive over to Ski Shores from NW Austin and pay a bit more to enjoy the experience. I have done it in August when it was 105+ and I maybe would not recommend that unless you pull up in a boat.
  14. You need to get out of your bubble for sure as we love all the places where we can eat outside. Where is your bubble?
  15. Curious... do they still let you walk up the stairs? We did years ago... didn't have to wait in line for the elevator because we just took the stairs to the various levels... even though I got really dizzy doing it LOL. Never mind... here's the answer... https://www.toureiffel.paris/en/news/visit/take-stairs-and-discover-eiffel-tower-new-way#:~:text=While the Tower has a,the public for safety reasons.
  16. texasdago


    Simple and so good
  17. plus the occasional "Austin died when they closed the Armadillo"
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