Wrong. We're to blame. We became fat, and lazy, and indifferent and/or ignroant to the concept of it being a civic duty to be informed, to strive to be educated on topics, and to be grateful for having the right to vote, and to exercise it. Instead, we couldn't be bothered to watch the news, becuase it's sooo depressing/boring/who cares, and we couldn't follow politics for the same reason. We took everything we had for granted, and we turned into the fat fucks on the ship in Wall-E, simply eeeking along and becoming only concerned with things that are right in front of our face, or effect us directly. During that time, we escheweed morality, we allowed power hungry self-interested people to be elected (becuase good people didn't want to be politicians, we could make more money elsewhere), we allowed corporations to take over our politics monetarily, and we didn't punish people at the ballot box becuase politics became a team sport. We let for profit news, in all of it's obvious contradictions, take root and flourish.
Trump. Congress. Politicians, all of it. They're all us. This is on us. You can call it as a species, or Americans as a country, but it's on us. This is who we have become. Pointing at Congress, Trump, the Supreme Court, it's all the same picture, and that picture is us.