Scientology got tax exempt status by suing the fuck out the IRS repeatedly. AFter they fucking failed to infiltrate the IRS with agents that were Scientologists. They had hundreds of millions of dollars at the time in free cash, even though they owed the IRS a Billion Dollars when they started the lawsuits and massive media campaign, etc.
It seems to me that smaller Baptist, and Evangelical churches have the opposite situation, and it's a vulnerability. The IRs should revoke their status, or challenge it, and take each little fucking church without ties to a massive organization and make them pay the fucking attorney fees to prove they didn't violate the law. Oh, you violated it and go bankrupt? Ok, well, we're going to take a real hard look at the brand new church you try to open up right down the street when you apply for tax exempt status. If you were a documened member and applying for the new church? NO dice, 10 year blacklist. You recruit completely new people with a clean record to be the face of the new church? Well ok, each new church gets a 5 year probationary period where you can get your shit revoked for violating the law, and you'll owe back taxes as a result.
The SBC loves being a loose organization without overall ties so they can continue to diddle kids and suffer no consequecnes, well, guess what, that means you don't have shared resources to legally defend each fucking church that violates the fucking law. Your big churches like Second Bapstist would probably be just fine. They have resources. But the little ones would get fucked. And eventually they'd have a hard time recruiting new cut-outs to sign their names on the Tax Exempt documents. So by default...these guys would probably just end up...following the fucking law. I'm sure some smaller congretations where every member is a die hard trumper would survive and not leak anything...but a lot wouldn't. Make them fucking work for it.
I'm so sick of the poison of organized religion fucking politics more than it's already fucked.