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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. Sounds and looks like it’s good for America. Like the rules of the Fairness Doctrine. The only problem is making all of America watch it.
  2. This pollster nailed the only other predictions he has made and he has Kansas moving 10 to the left. Prose is meant to be read, sir.
  3. I knew what you meant man. Just speaking for myself. I’m not sure I’ll be able to turn off CR bird dogging fascism.
  4. They don’t back down enough to not vote for him though. After the last 8 years, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to disengage again. Not meaningfully. The consequences are too terrifying. Yup.
  5. Wait. Incredulity told us that no one drives to commit crimes. AND NOW WE LEARN THE SAME VEHICLE DROVE TO MULTIPLE LOCATIONS TO COMMIT THE SAME CRIME TWICE!?!? what am I supposed to believe!?!?!
  6. I dont know about that. But I can tell you 45% of this country is going to be completely fucking shocked and at a complete loss thanks to the fucking media and polling companies.
  7. That isn't a shot at Dotard. It's a shot at his voters, really.
  8. Trump won Kansas in 2020 by almost 15 points. I wonder a) why he'd use the word weird to describe what they're seeing and b) why that pollster doesn't put out more fucking polls.
  9. I mean, Nazi's follow an ideology and a leader. Christian Nationalists think they're following the will of God. They're much scarier to me.
  10. Gen X men scoring better than Gen X women, if I'm raeding that correctly? I mean, if that's true, the women vote really spelling doom?
  11. Lets not leave anything to chance.
  12. I think these people just learned not to fly signs. They don't want the grief. But they're still fully engaged.
  13. I think you mean that succession called it a year ago.
  14. Eh. Becuase they're stupid idiots lashing out stupidly. If the act was tied to rational thought, or was a plan of some sort, they'd be destroying them in blue areas of swing states.
  15. Yup. I've told the story of my neighbor who dressed his 7 year old up as Creepy Joe Biden last halloween. I'm glad we're travelling to another neighborhood this halloween.
  16. Yeah. Pieces of shit never travel to do unsavory shit, amirite? https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/2024/07/09/patriot-front-marched-nashville-without-permit-breached-u-haul-contract/74328666007/ https://wvpublic.org/white-supremacist-group-marches-though-downtown-charleston-saturday/
  17. I'm shocked that you'll hand wave away the horrific act itself, and what it represents, and focus on the final outcome. "Jan 6th didn't change anything, so what's the big deal?" I've seen this quite a bit with people I'd otherwise consider to be normal. It's terrifying. Do you have any children, Incredulity? Are any of them women? If so, and one went out of date and the guy attempted to sexually assault her, but she managed to fight back and get away, would you just say "Eh, no harm no foul, it's no big deal?"
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