What you're experiencing is the last vestiges of what I would call...habit. Texas always prided itself on being friendly, open, welcoming people. You cant rub that out of everyone's subconscious in just one generation, but we're trying really hard to do such. OK is probably similar. And just becuase they smile to your face, possibly through their teeth, doesn't mean they aren't resenting your brown money'd ass with a hot fucking wife they should be theirs, and shaking their head that the world has gone mad.
You're making the mistake of thinking that these people, who are fundamentally corwards, would spit in your face and wear their distate for all to see. But they won't becuase they're cowards. They don't have the balls to show you what they think of you to your face. They closest they can get is how they vote and waving a Trump flag around becuase it offers JUUUUST enough of a veneer of plausible deniability.
And I'd like to point out that you saying propoganda works means...they believe the boogeyman. That's tacit agreement that they're racist and sexist. Just because they're also pussies who revert to the habit of being cordial doesn't mean they're good people. Evangelicals say they do their horrible virulent shit in the name of God. Do you believe that too?
I'm not sure what makes you think that the demographics of virulent racist would be somehow different for the non-voting portion of the country. If anything, it might be way fucking worse. 45% seems fine.