Rita was a few weeks after Katrina, and it was the only time I remember being scared of a hurricane when I was younger (25ish). We saw the chaos of the evacuation and opted to stay put. Ironically, the morning before it was supposd to hit, and it looked like it turned, the freeways were wide fucking open and contra flow, so I opeted at the last minute to evacuate Houston for Austin and made it there in like 2 hours. Because why take a chance? Of course, I probably passed a hundred cars stalled out and abandoned on the side of the freeways. After the Rita fiasco, by Ike, I'd resorted to typical youthful invulnerability.
At this point, in my neighborhood and my experience, I don't see much of a need to evacuate Houston, but I absolutely would for a category 4 or 5 becuase, as you said, why the fuck not? Even with a generator.
Needs Immamac in a bathing suit tossing his hair back in the middle of the street, imo.