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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. Nothing about that chart makes any fucking sense. Or the fucking tweet for that matter.
  2. Who the fuck goes anywhere other than straight to the boards?
  3. Cut all you want, the damage has been done. Just keep "He invited a 9/11 truther who believed it was an inside government job to the 9/11 anniversary ceremonly" on loop.
  4. I dont know why anyone is surprised. Considering their president showed up at the Republican national convention, I didn't see a world where they'd endorse harris unless that yutz was fired at the same time.
  5. You mean other than the fact the second fucking word from the top is Texan? Or is That.The.Joke.Gif that's flying over my head?
  6. Lower interest rates are good for folks trying to buy homes. It's also good for folks who are trying to sell their businesses, or borrow money to attempt to grow their businesses. When interest rates are high, big corporations hoard their cash and sit on it, where it does nothing beneficial for anyone, becuase they don't want to "waste" a massive chunk of their investments and potential profits in paying interest on loans they take out to finance whatever the fuck they're doing. In that vein, it also inhibits large and small scale construction, automobile purchases, etc.
  7. I mean, I assume that Wed is because of his dedication to taco Tuesday.
  8. Shit boys, I’m just talking about my middle aged fucking bloat. That’s why god invented spirits.
  9. Except one is prone to fuckery at the post office, and depending on the state in question, the mail-in votes won't start to be tallied until after the polls close, not before, and after electronic returns as well. Which is why we spent days and days counting various fucking states last election with counts and recounts. All of which are factors I addressed in my first response to you, which as usual, you characteristically ingored while doggedly sticking to your initial stupid fucking opinion.
  10. The second anyone leads with "contitutional originalist" you know they're completely fucking unserious, and/or unhinged people. Imagine constucting your self-image around "I'm a constitutional orginalist" in a manner that you feel not only comfortable, but eager to volunteer that to the people you encounter in every day life. It's such an overly-specific, esoteric label, that there's zero percent chance anyone just happens to land on it casually through their life or internet. That is someone who's had to pore over libertarian or super right-wring fringe websites to proudly proclaim that shit. Evangelical? ok. Conservative? Sure. Constitutional Originalist? Fucking lunatic. I post on Surly, so I won't say I'm enirely normal, but here's how I might characterize myself: I'm a present father, husband, and a UT fan.
  11. I don't understand this either. "After 4 years as VP, I've changed my outlooked and opionion on things, much as the world has changed in the last 4 years, starting with ending the dependance on fuels that come from Russia. Changing your mind with new information isn't a gotcha, it's an asset you want in a leader." This. Fucking. Idiot. His answer to every question is "Energy" or "Tariffs." That's all he can fucking say. And if he lowers energy costs 50% during his term, this country's economy is fucked for a decade. What if those people are all transplants from southern states? Also, fox news and the internet reach everywhere...that liberal polices have brought broadband internet to, at least.
  12. I care less if my neighbor is a loony toons dumbfuck, as long as a) I'm on enough land to not have to think about them and b) those loony toons also don't control state government.
  13. I love how the narrative went from "They're fucked once they get into the SEC, the won't know how to handle not being the big bully who pushes everyone around" to "The sips own the refs and have all the power and have stacked the deck in their favor" in the span of...2 months. And the cherry is that those twats are the first ones to fucking crown us as the kings of the SEC with their bullshit, baseless conspiracies. And it's getting worse. It's straight up just "We suck, it's the sips fault" for everything. Fucking losers. And I loooooooooooooove them bascially just overlaying their politics on college football. But don't let anyone tell them who labor unions endorse politically. Fucking idiots.
  14. You think it's not also a Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday?
  15. He doesn't know what that is, and he's not going to google it.
  16. “Only one person can say is that person is trans.” -calls that person a man or trans half a dozen times in the next paragraph. god you’re a stupid loser.
  17. This is stupid fucking advice. Considering the post office is still a shit show and is expected to have issues, and the whole conspiracy aspect in no way disappears with the “going to bed red waking up blue” aspect because of how different states voting rules are laid out, the correct answer is: don’t vote by mail, vote in person early. Your “vote by mail now” actually exacerbates the problem. Which is what I’m going to do. That way my vote is counted the second the polls close. There’s no post office ballot to get lost or misplaced. Maybe don’t speak so definitely about stupid shit. Of course I realize who I’m talking to on the Internet, I’ve seen your posting for decades. But try, please.
  18. I mean, if we had better gun laws he probably wouldn’t have to, but there we are… also nice to see you getting hammered and yammering borderline incoherently while being the sole steward of your 2 year old grandkid.
  19. I’m used to Texas not winning shit we should. im not used to living in a fascist dystopia fueled by hatred and cruelty. go with what you know, imo.
  20. I guess it wasn't apparent by the rest of the post, but it was a joke. Nate Silver sucks balls and is in the tank for Thiel so of course he'd write a headline like I wrote. I wasn't gonig for factual accuracy, dude. What about anything in this country seems tenable at this point?
  21. Forever.gif. Show me a 60 seat senate majority and I'll show you change. Or unless some of these other states do the right thing in the next 4 years.
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