This loomer shit is hilarious and mind blowing to me. I’m not stating they’re fucking. But there is a non zero chance they’re fucking, and that alone is amazing. In a presidential race, at this time.
I thought it was super odd that 3-4 weeks ago, at some shit rally, trump randomly brought up loomers name and we all said “wtf?” Why is he mentioning her, she’s fringe AF even for the right wing? We all recognized it was odd but dismissed it. Fast forward few weeks and she’s debarking his place for the debate as part of his debate team, and acting as his surrogate in the spin room. I mean what the fuck.
this crazy butch just started sending him gape shots and said he could do whatever in his DMs and he started inviting her to events. And they want to give nuke codes to this guy? It’s amazing.
the fury from lake and MTG at this bitch for out-maneuvering them for proximity just because she was willing to just lay it all out there and they didn’t is hilarious.