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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. Holy shit first chance to talk and he pushed conspiracy theories.
  2. Good news is trump sucks balls too and is screaming about tariffs
  3. People don’t want talking points unless directly is in response to something said. and he called her a liar first.
  4. She isn’t starting good. She should have said “yes. It’s not even close.” this sounds too prepared.
  5. I don’t believe either candidate gets an opening statement. I was vaguely listening when they went over the rules earlier.
  6. Yeah. This summer. But that’s not normal. Houston had insane rainfall and storms and cloud cover this summer. Last summer was also an outlier because Houston had no water or cloud cover and had the hottest summer in like 100 years. typically, and I’ll let a weather nerd chime in, Houston is a few degrees hotter than Austin. My research is me anecdotally looking at the weather when I pack for Austin for a weekend.
  7. Isn't Austin heat with Houston humidity just...Houston?
  8. They do every election for the Governor of Texas. And they voted for Madison Cawthorn...but yeah, they won't vote for Abbot for President. Imagine being a MAGA and driving a Kia Soul. That has to be like being a MAGAT and having I LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT tattoo'd on your fucking face. Can you imagine when he goes to the club meetings and pulls up next to all the f150's?
  9. if I need a tampon, I'm going to ask a Trump Supporter for their ear prop. It's not your job to hold my hand, but it's going to bleed all over you regardless.
  10. You realize 4/17 is almost 25% right? You think those numbers should make us feel more confident? They make me feel less confident than I was 10 minutes ago, and I wasn't exactly feeling all that great then, either. You're talking about those kinds of #s when the margins for victory were what? 80k votes across 4-5 states last time? for something like 70 electoral votes? Fucking hell, man. Russian Roulette is better fucking odds than 23%.
  11. That's less than 40 years ago. For all the marbles of democracy. Yeah man, I'm sweating it.
  12. I mean, if you're including scenarios like she flips texas or florida, sure. Otherwise, lol no. Seriously, if she loses PA and GA, she has to win AZ and NV and NC. That's the only path.
  13. Sometimes I doubt your committment to sparkle motion. Just admit you want the fat orange fascist to win, you fucking dick.
  14. I'd like to see the evidence that Harris is shedding younger voters. Well, have you seen how many realtors went to prison for J6? Exciting and Electric do some rather on point.
  15. Weird, it says left, but I think they must have hired MC Fresh Breath to be editor. I've read the article it's shit. He's just pandering to the far, far left and not reality. See?
  16. Is he uh, under the impression that the federal government shut down would stop democrats doing ANYTHING with voter registrations, which are run entirely by the individual states. Literally, this motherfucker doesn't even understand the fucking most basic shit a 7th grade history student learns. It's un fucking believable.
  17. Feel free to tell me about your citizenship/passport solution, sir. But my wife won't leave our kiddo that far behind. See above. I'm in the same boat with my wife. That's why I need them to die, so normal people can move back in there, my man.
  18. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/Route-1-Parsons-WV-26287/23108006_zpid/
  19. You have a point, cheap land is what got it populated in the first place. That being said, I'm 45 and have done ok so far in life. And California is completely outside of my price range for anywhere I'd wave to live there. Just give me some place with a great view and a few acres that doesn't cost 2 million plus. Becuase that's the shit I see now anywhere else I'd want to live. And that's basically Texas Hill Country.
  20. Sign me up for a complete collapse of WV and a clean slate. It's one of the most beatiful places in the US. Let these people die and lets repopulate it normal people looking for cheap, beautiful land. Becuase many of the best places in the US are either red AF or super fucking expensive already.
  21. I think UKraine actually launching attacks on Moscow, with real missiles, not drones, is the one thing that might make Putin use a nuke.
  22. You've chosen to live in a rain starved desert where water levels have been consistently decreasing for decades, and where a heat dome roasts everything every fucking summer. A place known to struggle with water. I'm sorry that you elect officials that don't maximize water conservation and let the local Karen's water their lawns 7 days a week from whatever water source they have available, and you're too cheap to pipe in extra water from wherever. But you live in a dry as fuck heat dome that doesn't get a lot of rain. Is that how that works, did I do it right? The fact of the matter is that central texas is drier AF than it was 20 years ago, and Houston and storms are worse than they were 20 years ago thanks to climate change. If you're answer to that is "Then you should fucking move" then that answer applies to yourself, as well. I went ahead and did it for him.
  23. Some good points about having a chocie versus not having a choice in this page. Yes, they had a choice to take the money and fight. Is it a choice we would have made? Almost certainly not. But there is to something to the fact that Russians didn't have much of a chance. It's hard to understand the mindset they live in, becuase we don't have the same conditions, although some of us are trying to inch us that way. We can't imagine what it's like to live in a life where you've been fed nothing but propoganda you're entire life, where your conditions have entirely been fealty to the state or prison. I don't weep for a single Russian in this war. But I can stand back and still think that many of them never had a fucking chance. Becuase they didn't. And if many did, they probably didn't even recognize their chance, becuase their culture is decayed and drunk. The ones that fled had resources and had access to western ideas and people, often through work, which pierce the veil of propoganda and have outside perspectives. The "mud bloods" from the steppes of eastern russia who grew up in villages that barely had power and were conscripted to fight for their country...man, they didn't have much of a chance. And that's becuase of many factors, inlcluding choices made by Russia generations before they were born. But fuck them regardless. The whole society needs to be razed.
  24. But did they do that, or just say spend her? If suspension comes with demonetization, is it only for the duration of her suspension? what I’m really trying to understand is if this is temporary or a legitimate kick to her balls?
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