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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. I'd rather she kick the chair away.
  2. I'm sure him interviewing was a requirement to agree to sit down. Although I'd wish they'd demanded Jesse Walters.
  3. Yes. The Pillow guy has been selling all his shit with .88 cents, and 88 is a well known code for Nazi-ism. the 8th letter of hte alphabet is H, so 88 is HH, or Heil Hitler. https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88
  4. Not as much as it's going to piss of the NYT. Goddamnit.
  5. Now tell me, where do you think the best place to talk about policy would be? You clearly didn't understand my post. I'm not talkinga about what his response would be to this publicly. I'm talking about him unraveling privately becuase he knows a black woman is smarter than him. The same way the Lincoln Project aired ads in DC and Mar A Lago area for an audience of one.
  6. I can't even imagine, and before one of you fucksticks volunteers to go get some screenshots, I do not even want to know what was said on the Football Board about Ewers during the game.
  7. Reddit is probably like #25 on places where brains go to rot on the internet.
  8. I mean, you're not wrong. And yet despite that, it's probably like 200th on the list of "shit we need to address ASAP" so it's never going to get done. We can't even get basic education right anymore.
  9. Lol. I wouldn't say she "dropped" Star Wars like she made a deliberate choice to do such. So deliberately refused to shut her fucking mouth and her employer said, eh, no thanks. Then she sued to get her gig back, becuase that's how Hollywood works. But yes, she's super smart. Hilariously, I read a story on Dark Horizons this morning that basically said Zach Levi, of Shazam and Chuck fame, is doing the same. He's endorsed Trump and he's pissed Shazam didn't make him as big a star as Chris Evans, so he's moved to a Texas ranch and is going to only make movies in line with his conservative leanings. Good Luck.Morgan Freeman
  10. Honestly, there's something to this. Maybe it can't pierce his veil of narcissism, but if she does an IQ test and cognitive test and releases them, and they're all way better than Trump's numbers, which he knows, he could have another unhinged meltodwn. Not that those are are, mind you.
  11. Feel free to sort that cash out yourself, Doctor. A former poster named Barbacoa will be along shortly to help you set that up.
  12. Any chance we want to pay a bag to his HS coach to get him interested?
  13. Imagine a world where you think the Manning family orchestrated the Texas and OU move to the SEC…2 or 3 years before Manning even committed to UT. Then imagine a world where ANY media outlet other than The Eagle considers Texas a Liberal school.
  14. I don't really see a fucking problem here, man.
  15. Boy, if we had players not producing or developing to the satisfaction of the coaches, I fucking wish we could cut them loose. But that's not how it works.
  16. We've been so displeased with Baker he has gotten snaps as a True Freshman. So weird.
  17. I've been wetting my pants for probably 9 straight months, sir. I'm basically Miles Davis.
  18. I won't spoil what happens next, y'all.
  19. That's still a damn stretch better than your posting history.
  20. How the fuck could you have not said something? "Hey guys, curious about how you feel about Trump cheating on every wife he's ever had, one of which paying a porn star while his wife was pregnant? Disgusting by that too?"
  21. See, now I just think you're spending time on the wrong website.
  22. 1) Not sure I trust the media to be competent in anything 2) It's a sad state we're hoping/relying on the Daily Show or Last Week Tonight to actually, you know, do journalist stuff.
  23. Not how I would characterize THAT, either.
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