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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. Listen, as long as you're doing the work, I mean, feel free to give us a line graph of the different polls and how they've moved in the past few weeks.
  2. I don't want to call a POS when there is a healthy chunk of misinformation that has just poisoned the brains of people. Smart people. I do think the POS quotient is high, but there's a healthy chunk of "Flat out stupid AF" and "poisoned by misnformation and our failed media system." Big chunks. I also think him throwing his words back at him is a good tactic, but he'll just respond with "and then I watched this weaponized justice department do it's work."
  3. What a fucking boatload of malarky...I don't even know where to start. A man talking about the rule of law in favor of a guy who gassed peaceful protestors for a photo-op...a man talking the rule of law for someone who has said he'll suspend the laws to be a dictator on day one. A man talking about the rule of law who sent a mob at the capital when an election didn't go his way. A man who demonstably attempted to send fake electors. A twice impeached president with audio of a phone call demanding the GA secretary of state to find him 11k votes. The rule of law for a man who said legal citizens aren't legal citizens becuase they are also immigrants. The rule of law for a man who is endorsed by project 2025. The rule of law for a man who didn't approve FEMA payments for a state that didn't bend the knee. I don't even know where to start.
  4. I couldn't spill a drink on him as I was walking into our section when I saw him, so I hadn't been able to get a drink yet. He was also standing in a corner, away from me. It would have beend hard. I also had my son with me. I did glare, however.
  5. So he didn't say he knew that Trump was evil. That's an important distinction. If it truly is finanical, send 20 clips of trump not being able to answer ANY direct question. Ukraine. Health Plan. Whatever. Start with the economic forum yesterday. @Pancho and @Thatguy would like a word with you, and they demand to see your math.
  6. I don't think he has a standing offer from University leadership. If he did he wouldn't be in my section. He'd be on the sidelines with Abbott or whatever box Hartzell watches the games from. He's invited by someone with tickets in our section. I don't know who the fuck that is, but I remember where his seats are...and where his secret service agents posted. I mentioned elsewhere I saw Paxton in our section for Miss St . Someone gave him tickets, but he was wandering around by himself most of the first half where I saw him, alone and without people. Fuck that cross-eyed fuck.
  7. She'd suck dick for kickbacks. She's shown every other aspect of her worldview to be completely open to purchase already. I'm not sure why you think her alleged sexual preferences would be any different.
  8. I've told you fucks multiple times on multiple threads. He was in my section when we played Bama 2 seasons ago. He's going to be there for GA. Texas is going to have to buck the curse.
  9. I struggle with Trump people I know. I try to avoid the topic and convince where I can. But the thing that stops me about Dago’s post above is…this person said they are aware they are voting for someone evil. If that’s ACTUALLY what they said…that’s not lost. That’s a complete understanding and still making a conscious choice for Evil. Hell, the guy could have said he just won’t vote. But he’s willingly voting for evil. If that’s what actually went down, then that isn’t lost. That’s knowingly complicit.
  10. Maybe so, but their citizenship requirements haven’t changed. It’s basically “birth, marriage, or you’ve spent most of each of the last 5 years here and if we arbitrarily decide we want you.”
  11. Lol. New Zealand is led by smart women. They won’t let Americans ruin it because it’s hard as fuck to get citizenship. For good reason.
  12. That’s great but only if he dies before being fucking elected. Then we have Vance.
  13. Jiggaboo? Jew? Journalist? Listen, with those mouth-breathers you're going to have to be more specific.
  14. Have you considered the fact that you're just all pricks?? All joking aside, you work in Academica, a Che Guerva poster is probably just signal switching or some shit so they don't get ridiculed at work parties.
  15. I mean, it's not porn I can get hard to, but you have to think he's going to try every single angle. Tens of millions, or 90 million, would be 30%.
  16. I mean 30% would be tens of millions...come on man, we know you can can't to tens of millions just from personal experience.
  17. What you're experiencing is the last vestiges of what I would call...habit. Texas always prided itself on being friendly, open, welcoming people. You cant rub that out of everyone's subconscious in just one generation, but we're trying really hard to do such. OK is probably similar. And just becuase they smile to your face, possibly through their teeth, doesn't mean they aren't resenting your brown money'd ass with a hot fucking wife they should be theirs, and shaking their head that the world has gone mad. You're making the mistake of thinking that these people, who are fundamentally corwards, would spit in your face and wear their distate for all to see. But they won't becuase they're cowards. They don't have the balls to show you what they think of you to your face. They closest they can get is how they vote and waving a Trump flag around becuase it offers JUUUUST enough of a veneer of plausible deniability. And I'd like to point out that you saying propoganda works means...they believe the boogeyman. That's tacit agreement that they're racist and sexist. Just because they're also pussies who revert to the habit of being cordial doesn't mean they're good people. Evangelicals say they do their horrible virulent shit in the name of God. Do you believe that too? I'm not sure what makes you think that the demographics of virulent racist would be somehow different for the non-voting portion of the country. If anything, it might be way fucking worse. 45% seems fine.
  18. I can think of one large one that's covered in orange greasepaint.
  19. I wish I could believe this, but honestly everything I've seen the past 8 years brings to only this conclusion. Even if it's ingrained, it's there.
  20. Props to those guys. I hope they're not stupid enough to follow the lead of the Dearborn caucus if they're concerned their gravy train will run out.
  21. Yes. Becuase I'm sure whenever he played football at whatever prep school he attended at any level were playing kids from "bad neighborhoods."
  22. I wouldn't said I "would hope" for a GOP crescendo in their returs, Mr. Smithley.
  23. Holy shit, do you think going on any one podcast, or doing any one thing, will make an overnight difference in polling. Do you know how polling works, like at all? Better be ready to buy now, because in 10 years you won't be able to afford it. What would she be doing that would be a better use of her time than spending an hour or two on a podcast that reaches millions of millions of people? The same fucking spot. That's why she went on it. I realize you're not a woman, but they make up more than 50% of the population and they too have podcasts that cater to their tastes.
  24. He kid is probably an adult and won't fucking talk to her.
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