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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. I haven’t read the policy, is it really not for above 100m? I’m taking about REALIZED capital gains. Because if it’s all capital gains, it would be horrendous for me because my retirement is based on my ability to sell my business.
  2. Maybe, just maybe, he’s irritated because he played high level baseball and he’s a liberal democrat who posts in the cloak room, none of which screams “victim.” Statistically, you may be right, but let me go ahead and start painting mental illness with a real broad brush and see how you feel, derka.
  3. 3 had the best stories, but 9 likely comes with a handy.
  4. I wonder which party would be most likely to neuter the fda over the years so food companies can jack up profits?
  5. Came here to post this bullshit as well. If you expand it to 105 and include walk-ons, it's 66 lbs. If you go to 120 it's 58. They can't even pull out a calculator when they lie to make it believable.
  6. Dont make promises that you can't, much less have no intention, of keeping.
  7. Long term, yes. That’s why they’re pulling out the stops to win now and dismantle everything.
  8. He looks like a fat maga version of comic accurate wovlerine from the new Deadpool movie. or Dorf. Something is way wrong with those proportions to me for some reason.
  9. That dude can't afford an F250 unless it's from 2010
  10. He's not shitting his pants. At least not out of fear. That's not how narcisism works. Dollars to donuts, he thinks he's gonig to just destroy her, and that will be that. He doesn't understand that his inability to control himself will be a huge detriment, because by and large, his lack of control has never really cost him much in his life he couldn't wiggle away from in some fashion or another. If I'm harris, I prepare a few biting comments if he does the lurk around shit like he did with Hillary.
  11. I think he’s just irritated that the sec move has bright out a lot more racism and recidivist shit in other area of the board and it doesn’t always get the ban hammer
  12. It’s weirder than you think. Staged tv smashing to try and prove a point is…something. “I always keep a sledge hammer in the living room of the house I’m renting.”
  13. Him keeping the R serves a purpose. He knows it helps as he gives permission for other Rs to vote D. “I’m one of you, and I’m doing this.” It connects with those voters wavering. Kinzinger said he’s not running again, so…
  14. Duck nailed it. Folks acting like swift doesn’t play an acoustic guitar multiple songs in her concert every night.
  15. As far as things go, this isn't a bad guess. What's the lineup? Is there a scheduled time that might show a gap of when the surprise is?
  16. I can't imagine why anyone would tell this guy to fuck off, and I'm shocked to see Chainsaw carry this guy's water and try to gas-light all of us. Don't believe your lyin' eyes, guys.
  17. Bill’s hands are shaking like a motherfucker.
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