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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. The most amazing thing in that post was him saying the democrats are good at politics.
  2. The comments on that tweet say it all, folks.
  3. What a shock, it reads exactly like the steps of having to deprogram oneself from a fucking cult. Close AF. Honestly it will take a massive massive beating of Trump to drag the senate blue downballot this time around. The map is not favorable. https://www.270towin.com/2024-senate-election/
  4. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1416130/share-of-us-respondents-who-consider-themselves-taylor-swift-fans-age/#:~:text=Share of U.S. respondents who,fans in 2023%2C by age&text=According to the results of,or older stated the same. This doesn’t include kids who can’t vote, but her biggest chunk of fans are millennials. News flash, they can vote. She’s been performing for almost 20 years. Women who were teenagers when she sang country have literally grown up with her. Anecdotal: my wife is 43, my sister in law is 45, and they went to see Taylor together. And my SiL has been signing her to her 7 year old for awhile now. Her fans are introducing their kids to her dude. Did you think her endorsement last election was a big nothing-burger? Then why the fuck is the right so triggered?
  5. Got shit to do this morning, so in a hurry. Bread, pimento cheese, Tapatio. /fin
  6. Let me spell it out for you clearer. we were both quoting The Hunt for Red October. NOW would be an appropriate post to quote me with: Think if Taylor drops in as a surprise.
  7. This is so confusing because recently I’ve been told that liberals are fascists.
  8. Oh good, Chainsaw’s tag team partner has discovered the thread. Sure we’ll all enjoy her single issue irrational and incapable ability to have a conversation in reality. The question to me, is, is she doesn’t identify as a liberal and believes them to be fascists, then how does she identify?
  9. Man fuck you. I have no one else to lash out at, so, fuck you.
  10. You mean a bunch of people were uncomfortable telling a polling person that they were easily influenced by name calling? Almost like the polling on a question like that is worthless? Go figure. meanwhile the response to being called weird was loud and wildly obscure by the actual weirdos. Go figure. ir works. Keep doing it.
  11. I’m scared to ask wrf you’re talking about. Keep in mind that all the reporters invited to mar a lago were sycophants. It wasnt open, it was invite only.
  12. Lets not forget one of those drugs was Ivermectin. And then he got pissed when people accused him of taking horse paste and said "No I can afford real doctors. I got a prescription."
  13. Have to assume that was the first question Trump made every candidate for VP answer.
  14. If they want to re-do the entire Obama/Biden dynamic from the Onion, I'm fucking fine with that shit for another 8 years.
  15. Simpson just released a new album. It's pretty good. And the motherfucker is only coming to Texas once for ACL. I'm pissed. Isbell was great touring with Zach Bryan, though. That show was the tits.
  16. Did I say I didn't care about Human Suffering? Please, point it out. Can't do anything about the situation if you don't beat Trump in an election, which you know.
  17. Careful sir. That's not how you talk to delicate far left-progressives who have have their hands helf, their snowflake feelings respected, and their single issue wedge topics catered to, otherwise they might fuck themselves even worse, along with everyone else in the process, and then what will you have to say to that, hmmm? If you keep it up, they might elect a bunch of people like Cori Bush who can't even get re-elected becuase of her far left views.
  18. The Harris campaign got Chainsaw’d. they should get used to it.
  19. Well, they didn’t have the senate. Thank Synema and manchin.
  20. We don’t have the votes now in the house. I’m assuming we need a blue wave, to hold the senate, and bypass the filibuster for this to happen, which means after the election. that or they do something so horrific it creates bipartisan support, which also means after the election.
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