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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Bone3421

  1. Maybe this has been discussed, I haven’t read this entire thread, but convince me that Roaring Kitty and Robinhood’s CEO aren’t the same guy.
    Cant do it.... no one has seen them in the same room

    Only argument against is one fucked his customers out of 100 of thousands of dollars and one isnt a cat and made(if he sells) millions
  2. I have a pretty insignificant amount of money in AMC, I averaged down some but still bleeding like a chick on her menstrual. That said I'm not convinced this gamestop/amc shit is over with. These crazy diamond hand reddit guys are holding. I'm not going to pretend to be any sort of expert, I'm sure there are plenty of shady tactics that can be used to combat it, but these hedge funds still have tens of millions of shares that have to be bought back. I have a small iron in the fire so I'm just kinda watching and rooting for further chaos
    Same...bought in small last time and sold for a nice profit and put about 50% back in on Monday
    Nothing crazy but if it runs I will have a lot more to play with after I pull out a chunk

    Definitely not yolo'ing anything like others...just want my 10-20k if it pops
  3. Ok so just saw this...so earlier I posted about how reddit believes that shorts are hiding in ETF's by shorting the ETF and buying every stock in besides gme

    Well in xrt the one being shorted 200% the second highest holding is MGNI and is up 40% for a month with high of 61$ was 34$ on jan29

    Another ETF the second highest holding(BILI) went from 113 to 156.....

    Interesting to say the least

  4. it's orchestrated because it's 80%+ just algorithms trading a few hundred times a second. We are literally playing the market against skynet.
    As far as a squeeze.... Nothing like January. If you see another massive wave of "SLVR is the next GME" "YOLO WEED STOCK" type shit not only on reddit/twitter but also CNBC and online articles... maybe somethings up.
    I dont...lots of interesting stuff out there but I dont know shit

    CFO announcement I think is good news as gme is expected to transition to ecommerce and PC gaming

    I do think 40$ is the floor after all we saw today. I think it will go up but when and how much I have no idea
  5. Today has been a fuck.  I did pick up some PLTR on the cheap.  I like it long term but it was also mentioned as a potential meme stock. Losing a lot in the market and crypto.  
    Pltr is not a meme stock...just because reddit talked about it doesn't make it a meme

    I'm in also...
  6. Do what you want but I'm probably going to get back in on Monday with some of my earlier profits...

    Had one CEO say price woulda went into the thousands if it wasn't shut down that day.

    Gabe(Melvin ceo) said the increase in price wasnt the shorts covering but a buying frenzy buy retail plus other institutions

    Reports surfacing about how ETFs that contain decent amounts of gme have been heavily shorted lately

    We will see what happens but 40$ is most likely the floor...????

  7. We’ve played more games without James than with. Missing our starting CB today. DC-L has been out a lot lately. Digne will never get to have kids after today. 
    bone is just pissy because he has months of getting shit on by his dad. He’ll live. 
    Nah not worried or pissy...was just saying congrats with a dash of shade
  8. Someone with more knowledge will need to verify if interested but....(gme fyi)saw a post last night on reddit that was saying all the calls that were purchased in December would cover today if above 40$ as that was the highest you could purchase before the run up. Inversely all the puts would also lose....so another run up possibly coming?

    Next option deadline day is April 21st so dont forget about it yet...lots of calls/puts floating around that will need to be covered next week and April from the buying frenzy

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