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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bone3421

  1. Or the brokers are letting more shorts in to spook holders into selling...everything today is fishy as fuck imo... Td restrictions, lots of redditors saying they couldn't get online to trade on numerous platforms... Gotta save the poor hedge funds... little guys stole too much $$$
  2. Had me worried...only a 33$ drop on my screen that's nothing with this stock AH is nothing to worry about its usually just the momentum of the day running its course...what you really want to do is check the Europe market before you pass out drunk at 4am
  3. Robinhood put out a "warning" about market volatility...says if you think of the market as supply and demand you are not taking the underlying factors into consideration and sometimes that can lead to recession...yadda yada...paraphrasing They are going to try and fuck us...
  4. This is considered by most everyone to be a one time trade that people will chase for a lifetime....no company ever has been shorted over 100% that I know of from researching this last week and a half or so. Yes hitting 1k per share is possible if no big holders sell. We havent even started the short squeeze the increase in price is from people buying stock in preparation of squeeze plus the gamma squeeze. BB is a good long term play as the DD suggests it will be a big time player in most self driving electric vehicles coming down the pipe in the future and recently just signed a 50/50 deal with Amazon for said EV play I got in bb at 9$
  5. After hours is weird just hold and probably will go back up tomorrow....if everyone hasn't bailed on it Just keep an eye out tomorrow and be prepared to sell if you aren't feeling it
  6. I put a spare 500$ in at 38$ been holding ever since...plan on holding until I see the squeeze since I'm not that invested....wish I knew about it earlier but still doing ok
  7. Yeah but after last few days I find it interesting that it just went sideways mainly from open to close...
  8. It is interesting that the "market media" still just wants people to think that it's a bunch of dummies buying worthless stock instead of talking about how it's the squeeze everyone is chasing....margin call the shorts and Jack this think up to 1k so we can get on with our lives/other stonks
  9. Believe this was the OG thread for market talk then they made stonk thread for individual stonks while this was supposed to be for more economic/market talk...
  10. So do we think the sideways day is good or bad....I guess good since price didnt plummet
  11. From my basic knowledge nothing until the shorts give up or wsb/retail sells shares
  12. Going to finish up 100%+ everyday this week??? Can it get to 400 before close
  13. There is nothing illegal about...just big $$$ trying to scare them off before squeeze from my brief time checking out wsb last few days
  14. It's a gamble but I havent seen anything that says it wont go up another 150% or so on friday... every call is in the $$$ right now(people betting on where stock will finish at end of the week) these have to be covered and is part of why gme keeps going up as we are possibly in a infinite gamma squeeze by somes opinion Until shorts give up or a bunch of people sell this will not end
  15. Here comes the power hour rally....
  16. Throw the 1k in gamestop(gme) ride the gamma squeeze until short squeeze kicks in...take profits throw in BB...???
  17. Ikr....want gme to squeeze so I can buy some options with the profits
  18. How about this rides up to 700$ then we see a stock split ala Tesla then WSB raises it 500%....[emoji573][emoji573][emoji573][emoji848]
  19. Just hear say but I believe they are not saying anything due to the "quiet period" before earnings report
  20. I have been thinking though if it would be wise to buy some puts on the way down after the squeeze but I dont know enough about....sitting at +3.5k now and hoping to get up to 5k or 10k if really lucky
  21. Isnt it mostly a supply and demand play currently....doesn't cost $$$ to hold shares and bleed the shorts...but I guess if you can just keep naked shorting it wont really matter I'll be interested to see the short% after today...I dont think we've seen the squeeze yet
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